First a big thank you to dog owners who pick up after your dogs while walking. It makes a huge difference to our community in keeping it clean and safe.
The Parish Council has installed a number of dog poo bins around the area. These are located:
on Manor Road in front of the Village Hall;
at the Mill Lane entrance to the village;
on Mill Lane by the Cock Beck bridge;
at the junction of Fanny Lane and Brant Lane;
at the junction of Fanny Lane and Old London Road;
on the lower part of Green Lane;
at the junction of Church Lane and Weedling Gate;
at the village end of the footpath from Church Lane to the A64 underpass;
on the Tadcaster side of the A64 underpass;
on Stutton Road near the Beech Tree Crossroads;
on Stutton Road between the A64 and the Woodlands Estate;
on Garnet Lane west of Woodlands Avenue.
If an additional bin or bins would be useful for you, please suggest the location(s) to the Parish Council.
Unfortunately there are still a few dog owners who are not taking advantage of the bins provided and so there are some areas where dog fouling is becoming an issue. Of particular concerns are the area outside Stutton Village Hall, Fanny Lane, Brant Lane and Green Lane. If you are a dog owner please help to keep our verges and feet clean by using the bins provided. And please note that it is a legal requirement to pick up after your dog anywhere in Stutton village, on Green Lane and Church Lane, along the footpath to the A64 underpass and on the Woodlands Estate.
A final plea. Obviously, if you are around the housing areas, please pick up any of your dog’s poo and put it one of the dog bins provided. But if you are further afield and pick up a poo, please do not leave it in a plastic bag beside the path or lane; if so wrapped it will not degrade and will remain for some considerable time as a horrible mess for its ultimate finder.
Thank you for your cooperation.