You are hereby summoned to attend the ordinary Meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council on Thursday, 11h July 2013 at 7.30pm at Stutton Village Hall for the purpose of transacting the following business: –
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend, to address the council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm and to listen to the proceedings (other than those conducted in Part II).
Howard Fothergill
Clerk to Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council
1. APOLOGIES: To receive and record apologies.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: To receive and record any declarations of personal and prejudicial interests. Councillors with prejudicial interests must leave the room for relevant item(s).
3. MINUTES: To approve and sign minutes of meeting held on 13 June 2013.
4. PROGRESS REPORTS – To receive any reports for information only from:-
No reports under this section this month.
5. VILLAGE HALL & GROUNDS – To discuss any matters.
a) Rental agreement with Playgroup now in place to ensure that day-to-day emergencies are dealt with in relation to the Maintenance of the Village Hall.
b) Discuss use, rules and charges for Village Hall in relation to Village and Charity related events.
c) Village Hall booking system – Clerk to report on effectiveness and control of existing booking system and proposal to introduce system of booking through “Google”.
d) Review Village Hall contribution to Insurance renewal cost.
6.1 Payment of Accounts for Stutton Parish Council – To note monies which have been received and which have been paid for the Parish Council. To note and sign cheques for those which are due for payment including Clerk’s salary.
6.2 Payment of Account for Stutton Village Hall. To note monies which have been received and which have been paid for Stutton Village Hall. To note and sign cheques for those which are due for payment.
6.3 Bank Statements and Invoices. Chairman to initial all Bank Statements and Invoices.
6.4 Year End Accounts and Audit deadline. Item raised by internal audit regarding amendment of pecuniary interest element (Section 7 code of conduct). Discuss response from Yorkshire Local Councils Association in offering their assistance. This item requires addressing before the annual review/amendment of Standing Orders can be completed.
6.5 Nat West Bank. Clerk to report on approval of Mandate/signatory authorities.
7.1 Action: To discuss the following Planning Application
Erection of a first floor extension above garage, single storey link extension and single storey extension to rear – 100 Acre Wood, Hill Top Close, Stutton
7.2 To discuss the following planning matters
a to discuss findings of the Parish Councillors visit to Owl House, Green Lane, in relation to planning compliance with regard to the drive and planting/screening layout.
b Parish Council to continue discussion from minute 13042.3 MOM 13/6/13 regarding the development of any plan of action concerning their general disappointment in relation to SDCs disregard of the Parish Council’s comments under proposed planning applications, and thereafter SDCs limited enforcement of detailed plans, layouts and agreements under approvals. Clerk to report on response from Mr Kris Capperauld, SDC community officer, regarding arranging a meeting for discussion with other local Parish Councils.
8. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION –Action: Parish Council to conduct annual review of existing documents and procedures
9. PARISH COUNCIL CODE OF CONDUCT – Action: Parish Council to undertake annual review of existing documents and procedures
10. PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE – Action: To discuss any action / information received, including report from clerk regarding operation of email –
11. HEDGE AT BEECH TREE CROSS ROADS To discuss safety improvements at the crossroads, and possibility of Highways erecting a mirror to improve vision of vehicles travelling down Moor Lane.
12. FENCING AROUND BEECH TREE To be discussed, as noted under minute 13032 M.O.M 9/5/13.
13 20 MILE-PER-HOUR SPEED LIMIT WITHIN VILLAGE Councillor Wrigglesworth to outline his proposal.
14. REQUEST FOR MEMORIAL BENCH ADJACENT MAISONETTES, ASHTREE WALK – to discuss letter from Mr H Randerson regarding the above.
15. CORRESPONDENCE – To note the following items of correspondence for information:-
- Letter and poster produced by Local Government Boundary Commission – proposed electoral arrangements regarding ward names/boundaries, etc.
- Letter regarding National non-Domestic Discretionary Rate Relief Policy.
- Yorkshire Local Council Associations Annual review documents, and invitation for Councillors to attend joint annual meeting 20th July 2013.
- Letter regarding SDC Core Strategy – Independent inspectors report.
16. COUNCILLORS’ REPORT AND ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDA – Each Councillor is requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making. To bring to the Council’s attention any correspondence received since preparation of the agenda.
17. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Action: To confirm date of next ordinary meeting scheduled for Thursday, 12th September 2013 at 7.30 pm. (No meeting in August)
No items.