You are hereby summoned to an Ordinary Meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council on Thursday, 12h December 2013 at 7.30pm at Stutton Village Hall for the purpose of transacting the following business: –
Members of the press and public are welcome to attend to address the council between 7.30pm and 7.45pm and to listen to the proceedings (other than those conducted in Part II).
Howard Fothergill
Clerk to Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council
1. APOLOGIES: To receive and record apologies.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: To receive and record any declarations of personal, prejudicial, and discolsable pecuniary interests. Councillors with prejudicial interests must leave the room for relevant item(s).
3. MINUTES: To approve and sign minutes of meeting held on 14th November 2013.
4. PROGRESS REPORTS – No reports this month.
5 VILLAGE HALL & GROUNDS – No actions this month
6.1 Payment of Accounts for Stutton Parish Council – To note monies which have been received and which have been paid for the Parish Council. To note and sign cheques for those which are due for payment including Clerk’s salary.
6.2 Payment of Accounts for Stutton Village Hall. To note monies which have been received and which have been paid for Stutton Village Hall. To note and sign cheques for those which are due for payment.
6.3 Bank Statements and Invoices. Chairman to initial all Bank Statements and Invoices.
6.4 Budget 2012/2013 – Precept request. Parish Council to discuss Precept request.
6.5 Renewal of Grass cutting Contract – Parish Council to discuss response from Living Landscapes with regard to renewal of Grass cutting contract.
7.1 Action: To discuss the following Planning Applications
a) Re-submission of application for construction of new construction access from Moor lane (C305) in association with adjacent overhead electricity line works. Upon completion of overhead line works, to realign and permanently retain the access for domestic purposes. LOCATION – Red Brickhouse Farm, Moor Lane, Stutton.
b) Listed building consent for retention of window, Hazlewood Castle Hotel, Paradise
Lane, Hazelwood
c) Listed building consent for retention of retractable canopies and fixed shutters at ground floor level until no later than 31 December 2014, Hazlewood Castle Hotel, Paradise Lane, Hazelwood
7.2 Action: To note the following Planning Decisions
Single storey carport with extension to side and rear, porch to front, and loft
Conversion – 22 Manor Road, Stutton, Tadcaster.– granted.
8 PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE – Action: To discuss any action / information received including changes to Website format and payment/development of services with Website host.
9. HEDGE AT BEECH TREE CROSS ROADS JUNCTION – update re request for double line stop with sign, or a similar arrangement being placed at the bottom of Moor Hill, and request for “no through road” signs to mitigate “Rat Run” traffic driving from Moor lane to the London road (A162).
10. 20 MILE-PER HOUR SPEED LIMIT WITHIN VILLAGE – Parish Council to discuss progress, including proposal for temporary monitoring using traffic speed tracking system.
11. REVISED MODEL STANDING ORDERS – Councillor Birchall to update Parish Council.
12. AFFORDABLE HOUSING SURVEY– Clerk to update Council re any further communication from SCD re affordable housing.
13. KERB AND DRAIN GRATE COVERS AT THE BOTTOM OF FANNY LANE – Clerk to report on response following complaint from resident that a kerb and two drain grates are blocked by undergrowth, with the result that excessive water runs down Malt Kiln Terrace during heavy rains.
14. CORRESPONDENCE – To note the following items of correspondence for information:
The Clerk.
15. COUNCILLORS’ REPORT AND ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDA – Each Councillor is requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making. To bring to the Council’s attention any correspondence received since preparation of the agenda.
16. PROPOSED DATES FOR PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS – 2014 -Parish council to review, discuss and agree meeting dates.
17. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Action: To confirm date of next ordinary meeting scheduled January 2013 at 7.30 pm, as agreed above.
No items.