Meeting 4 of 2013/2014
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held at
1930 hrs on Thursday, 11th July 2013 at Stutton Village Hall
Present:- Cllr Birchall, Cllr Fawcett (Chair), Cllr Heard.
Clerk: – H Fothergill
also present Mr H Randerson
The meeting began with the Chairman asking Mr. Randerson if he wished to address the Council. Mr. Randerson provided background information regarding his request for a Memorial bench as detailed under item 14 of the Agenda, and as later recorded under minute 13065 below. Mr Randerson listened to the remainder of the meeting until he left at the end of item 13065.
13051 APOLOGIES – Cllr Aarons, Cllr Wrigglesworth.
13053 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – The minutes of the ordinary Parish Council meeting held 13TH June 2013 having been read, were signed as true record.
No reports under this section this month.
13055 VILLAGE HALL AND GROUNDS – the following matters were discussed: –
a) Rental agreement with Playgroup now in place to ensure that to day-to-day emergencies are dealt with in relation to the Maintenance of the village Hall.
b) Rules and charges for Village hall in relation to Village and Charity related events were discussed and it was agreed that due to limited finance, free use of the hall would be restricted to events arranged by and for the benefit of the whole village, with any hire requested by individuals being subject to the standard charge.
c) Village Hall booking system – Report on effectiveness and control of existing booking system confirmed that current system was fit for purpose, but that it would be supported by a calendar based record showing forward bookings.
d) Review of the Village hall contribution toward insurance renewal cost was undertaken. It was agreed the in line with previous years a contribution of approximately 25% of the total insurance cost would be transferred back to the Parish Council, to cover insurance elements attributable specifically to the Village hall. Clerk to transfer £ 125.00 from Village hall account to Parish Council account.
13056.1 Parish Council Account
11/07/13 | 000695 | Living landscapes(Grass cutting) | £352.00 | £352.00 | |
11/07/13 | 000696 | Tadcaster Council – Cemetery fees | £600.00 | £600.00 | |
11/07/13 | 000697 | H Fothergill – salary | £172.67 | £172.67 |
13056.2 Village Hall Account
27/06/13 | 100249 | Party J.Farr | £30.00 | £30.00 | |
09/07/13 | 100250 | Stutton Playgroup – Gas Bill | £13.12 | £13.12 |
11/07/13 | 000250 | TCC-boiler repair | £60.00 | £60.00 | |
11/07/13 | 000251 | Yorkshire Water | £74.38 | £74.38 |
Chairman initialled all Bank statements and Invoices
13056.3 YEAR END ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT. The following item raised by Internal Auditor to be actioned:-
Openness and transparency on disclosable pecuniary interests (DCLG) –
Yorkshire Local Council’s Association, who previously requested copy of Standing Orders and Code of Conduct have advised that they are seeking advice from the legal department at the National Association of Local Councils and will respond back to the Parish Council following NALC guidance.
13056.4 Nat West Bank. Change of Signatory Authorities and new Mandate completed and now with Bank for acceptance and confirmation. Clerk to follow up progress
prior to next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council.
13057.1 The following application (1) was discussed:-
Erection of a first floor extension above Garage, single storey link extension and single storey extension to rear – 100 acre Wood, Hill Top Close, Stutton.
Resolved: no objections.
13057.2. –Parish Councillors had not visited to Owl House, Green Lane, to review planning compliance with regard to the drive and planting/screening layout. This would reviewed
at the next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council
13057.3 Parish Council had previously discussed development of any proposed plan of action concerning their general disappointment in relation to SDC’s disregard of the Parish Councils comments under proposed planning applications/non compliance, and thereafter SDC’s limited enforcement of detailed plans, layouts and agreements under approvals. As requested Clerk had contacted SDC Community Officer and enquired if he would he would be willing to arrange a meeting with representatives from adjacent Parish Councils and SDC planning department, to ascertain if these problems exist throughout other Parishes. SDC Community Officer, Mr Kris Capperauld advised that he had contacted the planning department and was awaiting a response, before he in turn responded back to Stutton Parish Council.
13058 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION – Action: Parish Council conducted annual review of existing documents and procedures. Clerk to investigate original source of this document and verify both availability and photocopy charging structure relating to referenced documents. Parish Council will place Freedom of Information documents on the Parish website, when these issues have been address and agreed.
13059 PARISH COUNCIL CODE OF CONDUCT – Action: Parish Council conducted annual review of existing documents and procedures – No changes.
- Cllr Heard and Clerk to review update of operation of email – currently under website, to Gmail
- Clerk to confirm if the Register of Councillor’s interests form, signed by Cllr Heard was received by Selby DC. This document is not on the Selby DC website and will require transfer to the Stutton PC Website.
13061 FENCING AROUND BEECH TREE-Cllr Wrigglesworth report next month
13062 HEDGE AT BEECH TREE CROSSROADS – Owner of field at bottom of Moor Lane adjacent cross roads has now cut the hedge. This has resulted in limited improvement for vehicles being able to see other road users when approaching this junction. Suggestion of the use of mirrors was discussed with Councillors concerned that safe use of mirrors was subject to the ability of road users, and that North Yorkshire CC are unable to erect mirrors without special permission of the Department of Transport. Clerk has contacted Highways Department and requested that they visit this junction and provide their views on how this junction can be made safe.
13063 FENCING AROUND BEECH TREE-Cllr Wrigglesworth to report at next meeting.
13064 20 MILE PER HOUR SPEED LIMIT WITHIN VILLAGE- Parish Council discussed and supported Cllr Wrigglesworth’s proposal, and requested Clerk to contact County Councillor Chris Melcalfe to request assistance with regard to which authorities need to be contacted to progress this matter and requirements relating to any ancillary works such as introduction and relocation of road signs, lighting, markings etc.13065 REQUEST FOR MEMORIAL BENCH ADJACENT MAISONETTES, ASHTREE WALK – The Parish Council reviewed the letter and earlier comments provided by Mr. Randerson and confirmed that they supported his request to provide a bench in memory of Fiona Anne Campbell – a close friend and neighbour of Mr. Randerson and others in the community. The Parish council confirmed that they were unable to provide funding but would contact Selby Council to confirm ownership of the land of the proposed site of the bench, along with details with regard to any specification and standards required by SDC. Mr Randerson confirmed that he and his friends were able to contribute to the cost of the bench, with the Parish council confirming that they would also request SDC to provide any information in relation to installation and material costs. Clerk to Contact Mr.Randerson when these details have been provided
13065 REQUEST FOR MEMORIAL BENCH ADJACENT MAISONETTES, ASHTREE WALK – The Parish Council reviewed the letter and earlier comments provided by Mr. Randerson and confirmed that they supported his request to provide a bench in memory of Fiona Anne Campbell – a close friend and neighbour of Mr. Randerson and others in the community. The Parish council confirmed that they were unable to provide funding but would contact Selby Council to confirm ownership of the land of the proposed site of the bench, along with details with regard to any specification and standards required by SDC. Mr Randerson confirmed that he and his friends were able to contribute to the cost of the bench, with the Parish council confirming that they would also request SDC to provide any information in relation to installation and material costs. Clerk to Contact Mr.Randerson when these details have been provided
13066 CORRESPONDENCE – The following items of correspondence actioned:-
- Letter and poster produced by Local Government Boundary commission – proposed electoral arrangements regarding ward names/ boundaries etc.
- Letter regarding National non Domestic – Discretionary Rate Relief Policy
- Yorkshire Local Council Associations Annual review documents, and invitation for
Councillors to attend joint annual meeting 20th July 2013.
- Letter regarding SDC Core Strategy – Independent inspectors report
The following items of correspondence received since preparation of agenda:-
- The Clerk
- SDC letter re Draft affordable housing supplementary planning Document
- Notice and invitation re NYCC- Selby Area Committee meeting 15 July 2013
- The following items were raised:-
a) Cllr Heard advised that the hedge requires cutting on Stutton Road on the east side approach from the Beech Tree to the A64 Bridge. Clerk to request landowner to cut hedge as overhanging branches are impeding walkers using the pedestrian access along the side of this road.
13068 There will be an extra ordinary meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 25th July 2013 at 7.30 pm, for the sole purpose of discussing one or more planning applications, to be posted on the notice board not later than 19th July 2013.
The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Thursday, 12th September 2013 at 7.30 pm. (No ordinary meeting in August)
Part II
No items.
There was no further business and the meeting closed 20.55 hrs.