Meeting 3 of 2013/2014
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held at 1930 hrs on Thursday, 13th June 2013 at Stutton Village Hall
Present:- Cllr Fawcett (Chair), Cllr Heard, Cllr Wrigglesworth,
Clerk: – H Fothergill
Also Present: – County Councillor Metcalfe
13036 APOLOGIES – Cllr Aarons, Cllr Birchall.
13038 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting, the Annual Parish Council Meeting, and the ordinary Parish Council meeting, all held on
5TH May 2013 having been read, were signed as true record.
a) Cllr Heard reported that he had been unable to attend his scheduled training and advised that he had arranged to attend the next session, hopefully in July 2013.
b) Clerk received Email from Living landscapes offering discount on additional summer grass cut, following removal of village sign planting from their contract. Clerk to contact Living Landscapes requesting them not to undertake any additional cut at this time. This will be subject to requirement, after which the cost reduction for planting can be reconciled
Cllr Aarons, Mrs Smith and Clerk held a meeting and prepared draft amendment to Playgroups rental agreement to ensure that to day-to-day emergencies are dealt with in relation to the operation and Maintenance of the village Hall. Parish Councillors comments reviewed, with Clerk to prepare amendment to rental agreement for signature by both parties.
13041.1 Parish Council Account
13/06/13 | 000689 | H P Smith – oop
(Final) |
£6.00 | £6.00 | |
13/06/13 | 000691 | H P Smith – salary
(Final) |
£95.17 | £95.17 | |
13/06/13 | 000692 | HRMC | £23.60 | £23.60 | |
23/06/13 | 000690 | Zurich Insurance | £476.72 | £476.72 | |
6/06/13 | 000693 | H Fothergill – salary | £136.67 | £136.67 | |
6/06/13 | 000694 | HRMC | £34.00 | £34.00 |
13041.2 Village Hall Account
22/05/13 | 100247 | Yoga | £60.00 | £60.00 | |
5/06/13 | 100248 | NYCC Polling stn | £150.00 | £150.00 |
13/06/13 | 000247 | Advance fire –inspection and light | £107.00 | £21.40 | £128.40 |
29/05/13 | 000244 | British Gas – elec | £21.58 | £1.08 | £22.66 |
13/06/13 | 000246 | Sam Smiths -rent | £1.00 | £1.00 | |
13/6/13 | 000248 | British Gas – gas | £91.35 | £4.45 | £95.91 |
13/6/13 | 000249 | Backhouse – Bees | £55.00 | £11.00 | £61.00 |
Chairman initialled all Bank statements and Invoices
13041.3 YEAR END ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT. The following item raised by Internal Auditor to be actioned:-
Openness and transparency on disclosable pecuniary interests (DCLG) –
Clerk sought clarification from Richard Besley @ Selby DC regarding amending Section 7 (Code of Conduct) of Standing Orders. SDC directed Clerk to Yorkshire Local Council’s Association, who requested copy of Standing Orders and Code of Conduct in order to provided assistance. Clerk forwarded these details on agreement of Chairman, and will make contact with YLCA if no response before the end of June 2013.
13041.4 Nat West Bank. Change of Signing Authority completed and signed by Cllr Heard and Clerk, with Clerk to forward to bank for acceptance and confirmation. Clerk completed a new Mandate and obtained Councillors Signatures, again to forward to Bank for acceptance and confirmation, when signatures of remaining councillors have been obtained.
13041.5 Financial Regulations. : Chairman signed existing documents and procedures following annual review, without change.
13041.5 Financial Regulations. : Chairman signed existing documents and procedures following annual review, without change.
13042.1 Parish Council outlined to Cllr Metcalfe their disappointment following the planning officers confirmation that nothing would be done despite breach of planning, regarding stables on land at Wingate Hill. Cllr Metcalfe advised that the Planning officer had confirmed that the detriment to the openness of the countryside was not sufficient to require any further action. Discussion continued on this matter under minute 13042.3 below.
13042.2 Parish Council discussed several matters in relation to planning compliance with regard to the drive and planting/screening layout at The Owl House, Green Lane. It was agreed that representatives of the Parish Council would view the Site and report back to the next meeting.
13042.3 Parish Council discussed development of any proposed plan of action concerning their general disappointment in relation to SDC’s disregard of the Parish Councils comments under proposed planning applications/non compliance, and thereafter SDC’s limited enforcement of detailed plans, layouts and agreements under approvals. Clerk to contact SDC Community Support Officer to enquire if he would he would be willing to arrange a meeting with representatives from adjacent Parish Councils and SDC planning department, to ascertain if these problems exist throughout other Parishes. All parties to give consideration as to how these issues can be addressed.
13042.4 Parish Council discussed to SDC’s Rural Housing enabler’s Email regarding any housing need in the Parish. The Parish Council confirmed that they had no evidence or requests supporting any requirement in this Parish.
13043 RISK ASSESSMENT – Action: Chairman signed updated documents and procedures with minor amendments including reference to dog and grit bins within the assessment, and confirming that expenditure against budget was reported every 6 months.
13044 NYCC GRASS CUTTING – Cllr Wrigglesworth had been previously asked about the extent of grass cutting under NYCC’s obligations and it was confirmed that this was limited to one cut per year. The Parish Council confirmed that their separate Contract for additional grass cutting was reviewed on an Annual basis, subject to limits of finance and priority.
13045 FENCING AROUND BEECH TREE-Cllr Wrigglesworth to report at next meeting.
13046 PARKING ON GRASS – MILL LANE/WEEDLING GATE– Cllr Wrigglesworth reported that cars had been parking on the grassed area in front of the bungalows. It is understood that this land is under the control Selby District Council and that the Clerk would make contact to alert them of the situation.
13047 HEDGE AT BEECH TREE CROSSROADS – Clerk to contact owner of field at bottom of Moor Lane adjacent cross roads and request hedge be cut to facilitate clear vision for road users. Clerk to Contact Highways Department and request that they visit this junction and provide their views on how this junction can be made safe.
13048 CORRESPONDENCE – The following items of correspondence actioned:-
- NYCC Election – letter received for use of village hall as polling station on 5th June 2014. Fee of £150 credited to Village hall account.
The following items received for information:-
- Clerks and Councils Direct.
- The Clerk
- Rural Action Yorkshire –Winter weather agents Toolkit
- NYCC Highways Capital Programme 2013/14 and 2014/15
- Mineral waste joint Plan – letter and poster
- The following items were raised:-
- Cllr Heard – Village hall booking system using “Google” to be progressed with Clerk
- Cllr Wrigglesworth – request that a 20 mile per hour speed limit be considered for introduction into the village
13050 The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Thursday, 11th July 2013 at 7.30 pm.
Part II
No items.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 21.06 hrs.