Meeting 2 of 2013/2014
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held at
1940 hrs on Thursday, 9th May 2013 at Stutton Village Hall
Present:- Cllr Aarons, Cllr Birchall, Cllr Fawcett (Chair), Cllr Heard, Cllr Wrigglesworth,
Clerks:- H Fothergill and H P Smith
Part I of the ordinary parish council meeting commenced at 1940 hrs due to the proceeding Annual Meeting.
13017 APOLOGIES – None.
13018 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Resolved: The Register of Councillors’ Interests form was duly signed by Cllr Heard and accepted by the Council. Clerk to send copy to Richard Besley @ Selby DC. Cllr Heard declared a personal interest in Item 9.
13019 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – The minutes of the meeting held on
11th April having been read, were signed as true record.
13020 APPOINTMENT OF NEW CLERK. It was noted that new Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer appointed and Mr Howard Fothergill assumed position from 2nd May 2013 and that Mrs Smith will remain in an advisory role until 23rd May 2013.
a) Cllr Wrigglesworth stated that he had visited area and talked with complainant and felt that it did not justify being added to grass cutting contract. It was resolved that Clerk would email NYCC Highways and request area to be cut and Cllr Wrigglesworth would confirm this with complainant.
b) Clerk confirmed that parish Newsletter had been distributed. Cllr Fawcett queried whether it had been delivered to Hazlewood area. CllrWrigglesworth did not think it had and it was resolved that Cllr Fawcett would take some to distribute.
c) Clerk confirmed that report had been received about blocked gullies on Malt Kiln Terrace and by underpass and these had been reported to NYCC Highways and had been dealt with.
a) Clerk confirmed Advance Fire conducted bi-annual inspection and failed Emergency light by main door but this had been replaced and inspection certificate issued. It was resolved that an agreement needed to ensure day-to-day emergencies dealt with and that Clerk, Cllr Aarons and Mrs Smith to co-ordinate and to draw up a codicil in Playgroup’s rental agreement.
b) Stutton Playgroup – decision noted not to proceed with landline due to high cost.
13023.1 Parish Council Account
25/4/13 | Selby DC – Precept First Half | £3,821.25 | £3,821.25 |
09/05/13 | 000681 | ICO | £35.00 | £35.00 | |
09/05/13 | 000682 | YLCA Training CH | £50.00 | £50.00 | |
09/05/13 | 000683 | N Readman | £486.11 | £486.11 | |
09/05/13 | 000684 | M Farman | £35.10 | £35.10 | |
09/05/13 | 000685 | Living Landscapes | £176.00 | £176.00 | |
09/05/13 | 000686 | H P Smith – salary | £125.67 | £125.67 | |
09/05/13 | 000687 | HMRC | £31.40 | £31.40 | |
09/05/13 | 000688 | H P Smith – oop | £12.80 | £12.80 |
13023.2 Village Hall Account
13/04/13 | 100243 | (Yoga – dropped £5 part of 100242) | |||
01/05/13 | 100244 | Stutton Playgroup – Rent | £320.00 | £320.00 | |
01/05/13 | 100245 | Stutton Playgroup – Gas & Electric | £257.24 | £257.24 | |
04/05/13 | 100246 | Hempinstall – party | £30.00 | £30.00 |
26/04/13 | 000242 | British Gas-Electric | £74.64 | £3.73 | £78.37 |
09/05/13 | 000243 | H P Smith | £3.00 | £3.00 |
13023.3 YEAR END ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT. It was noted that internal audit completed. The following items raised by Internal Auditor actioned:-
i) Openness and transparency on disclosable pecuniary interests (DCLG). Much discussion and it was resolved that Clerk would seek clarification from Richard Besley @ Selby DC about amending Section 7 (Code of Conduct) of Standing Orders. Item to be discussed and voted on at June’s meeting.
ii) Clerk received paperwork from Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for completion in order to comply with Data Protection Act 1998 It was resolved that Clerks should complete registration together..
iii) Resolved: Chairman commenced initialling invoices and bank statements.
13023.4 Audited Accounts. It was noted that audited documents sent to External Auditor and Notice of Inspection placed on noticeboard. Resolved: Littlejohns to be notified of change of Clerk ready for return of audited annual return during Sumer.
13023.5 Insurance Renewal. Renewal premiums discussed and it was resolved that renewal should proceed with Zurich with saving of £256.84 including additional 5% saving to renew for next 5 years = £476.72. Clerk to contact Zurich.
13023.6 Nat West Bank. Letter advising change of Clerk signed by Chairman and Councillor Birchall. It was resolved that Change of Signing Authority to be completed by Cllr Heard and Mr Fothergill and Mr Fothergill to complete new Mandate ready for signing at June’s meeting.
13023.7 Grass Cutting. Discussion and it was resolved there would be no financial commitment to cutting grass by Stutton Lodge.
13024 COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE. Having been read was adopted by the council and signed by Chairman and Clerk (Mr Fothergill).
13025 PLANNING – Stable on land at Wingate Hill. Discussion about Planning Enforcement Officer’s response that it was in breach of planning but nothing would be done. It was resolved that Chairman would contact Cllr Metcalfe expressing Parish Council’s disappointment yet again about planning decisions.
13026 WEBSITE – Cllr Birchall confirmed that Cllr Heard’s interests would be published on website and Nikki Readman would continue to provide support. Cllr Birchall was thanked by Chairman.
13027 ST AIDAN’S CHURCH – It was noted that Council had been advised by Clerk that when Parish Council had previously paid for St Aidan’s to be painted the spend was illegal and had to be sanctioned by the Secretary of State. “The Secretary of State seldom sanctions extra-statutory expenditure of a given type more than once to any one body”(Audit Commissioner’s Act 1998 (s17). Cllr Wrigglesworth confirmed that he had passed this information to Mr Grayson and it was resolved that there was no further action could be taken presently.
13028 NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN – Discussion and it was resolved that the parish council could not see the benefit of pursuing this. No further action.
13029 PAYE – Cllr Aarons confirmed she would be happy to continue with PAYE. It was resolved that Cllr Aarons to continue and was thanked.
13030 VILLAGE SIGN PLANTING – Cllr Wrigglesworth confirmed that Mrs Grayson would like to plant up the village sign. It was resolved that letter of thanks to be sent to Mrs Grayson and Living Landscapes be asked to put the extra money saved towards an extra summer cut.
13031 CORRESPONDENCE – The following items of correspondence actioned:-
- Northern Powergrid – MPAN. Changes to wattage rating and Cllr Heard explained. Resolved :No further action required.
- Env. Agency – Allerton Park. Permission likely to be granted and decision consultation details discussed. Resolved: No further action required.
The following items received for information:-
- Clerks and Councils Direct
13032 COUNCILLOR’S REPORT AND ITEMS FOR FUTURE AGENDA – The following item of correspondence had been received since preparation of agenda:-
- The Clerk
- Country Air
The following items were raised:-
- Cllr Wrigglesworth – grass verge by Station House compacted and request to put right. It was resolved that Clerk should write to ACJ Developments.
- Cllr Wrigglesworth – fencing around beech tree. It was resolved to discuss at June’s meeting.
The following items to be placed on June’s agenda for discussion:-
- Amend and review Standing Orders
- Review Risk Assessment
- Review Financial Regulations
- Fencing around Beech tree
- To receive feedback from Councillor Heard’s training
13033 The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Thursday, 13th June 2013 at 7.30 pm. Cllr Birchall offered his apologies for this meeting which were accepted.
Part I closed at 2115
Part II
13034 NALC PAY RISE. It was noted that NALC has awarded a 1% pay rise but due to appointment of new Clerk and resignation of old Clerk it was resolved that pay scales should remain unchanged.
13035 CLERK’S RETIRING. Cllr Fawcett expressed thanks to Mrs Smith for 16 years as Clerk and it was resolved that formal thanks would be sent at end of notice period.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 2122 hrs.