Minutes of the Annual Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Meeting held on Thursday 6th May 2021 at 19:30 by Zoom video conference.
Clerk: Mrs G Kitchen.
Email: clerkstuttonpc@gmail.com Tel: 07796 544404
Members of the Parish Council present: Cllr D Birchall (Chairman), Cllr P Spurrier, Cllr C Heard, Cllr E Catt, Cllr E Collins.
No members of the public present.
APM2101. Introduction and Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
APM2102. Apologies
No apologies were received.
APM2103. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 9th May 2019 were approved. The Clerk was authorised to sign the minutes on behalf of the Chairman. (No Annual Parish Meeting could be held in 2020 because of coronavirus restrictions.)
APM2104. Annual Report of the Parish Council Chairman
The Chairman circulated his report. There were no comments. No issues were raised.
2021 Report:
Administrative matters
- At the Parish Council meeting on 14 May 2020 Cllr Birchall was elected as Chairman for the coming year and Cllr Spurrier was elected as Vice-Chairman.
- During the year Kathryn Grayson resigned from the Council and has been replaced by the co-option of Emma Collins. We are grateful for the contribution that Kathryn made.
- The Council put in place the statutory review of its standing orders, financial regulations, insurance cover, etc.
- In March 2020 the government imposed emergency regulations because of the coronavirus outbreak. Face to face meetings were banned and arrangements were made for Council meetings from May 2020 onwards to be conducted by video-conference during the emergency. This provision will be discontinued with effect from 7 May 2021.
- The Parish Council resolved to collect a precept of £9226 (in two instalments) in 2021/22. This has resulted in there being no change in this element of the Council Tax for our ratepayers.
- The Council also has access to CIL Funding (the Community Infrastructure Levy now applied to planning applications). In 2021/2022 £325.60 carried forward will initially be available.
Activities and achievements
- The Parish Council commented upon 13 planning applications. In addition a watching brief has been kept on an application submitted over three years ago for the reopening and landscaping of Old London Road Quarry which would lead to up to 50 return HGV movements daily along the Old London Road bridleway for six years. This caused many objections from residents and from the Council. Consideration by the North Yorkshire Country Council Planning Committee is currently on hold whilst the applicants prepare a required environmental impact report.
- Planning applications must take into account the requirements of the Village Design Statement, which has recently been reviewed and updated.
- At the end of 2020 Selby District Council decided to discontinue writing to immediate neighbours to notify them of planning applications. The Parish Council has written to the Chief Executive to express concern about this decline in service level for what amounts to a trivial cost saving.
- Concern has previously been expressed about a continuing lack of affordable housing in the parish. To start a possible initiative the Rural Housing Enabler arranged a survey which suggested that three local households had a requirement for such housing. It is expected that further consideration will take place during 2021/22 once Selby District Council staff are able to resume duties currently curtailed because of the pandemic.
- Improved lighting has been maintained in the footpath underpass beneath the A64. A long standing dispute with the electricity company about the cost of the unmetered supply was resolved during the year, although we now await a new contract for the continuation of the supply.
- Speeding in the village and along Garnet Lane remains of concern and the Council is continuing discussions with the Highways department.
- Concern was also expressed about parking in the passing places on Mill Lane (although this is not within the parish). Highways have installed new warning signs but unfortunately also marked one of the passing places as a lay-by which has yet to be corrected.
- The Parish Council takes responsibility for cutting grass verges near the village, a significant item of annual expenditure.
- The Council also keeps a watch on local footpaths and has recently drawn the attention of the responsible authorities to the overhanging trees on the Church Lane to A64 underpass path and recent flood damage to the Cock Beck bridge on the Old London Road footpath.
- The Parish Council is also responsible for ensuring that the grit bins are kept full during the winter months.
- The Council is continuing to support the work of the Village Hall Committee and this year provided the Christmas tree.
- The wording on the war memorial in the Village Hall grounds is weathering badly and the Council has commissioned a bronze plaque to be attached to overcome this.
- For some time the Council has been making representations to North Yorkshire County Council about the infrequency of buses through Stutton village. With effect from 7 September 2020 a new 492 service has been introduced operating between Sherburn in Elmet and Wetherby via Stutton and Tadcaster at 90 minute intervals.
- Dog fouling continues to be an issue and the Council has repaired a bin that was vandalised. There are now twelve bins available across the parish.
- Ownership of the red phone box was transferred to the Council in 2019 and we are grateful to the local volunteers who transformed its appearance. Most recently the Council has funded the provision of shelving for use in the box which has recently been installed.
- Pads have been replaced in the defibrillator outside the Village Hall to ensure its continuing efficiency.
- The Parish Council Website is being kept up to date and provides a useful information point for residents about Parish Council and other parish services. Most recently work has been going ahead to ensure compliance with new accessibility regulations.
- Various external plans have been reviewed and drawn to the attention of residents via the website. Recent examples are possible County Council reorganisation, a Selby development plan and an expansion of activity at Leeds East Airport.
APM2105. Public forum
A member expressed concern that potatoes were being planted in the field to the south of Fanny Lane. In the past the run-off following heavy rain had resulted in serious flooding in the village. The potential problem was referred to the Parish Council.
APM2106. Close of Meeting
The meeting closed at 1937.