Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held at 19.38 hrs on Thursday 10h April 2014 at Stutton Village Hall
Present: – Cllr. Fawcett (Chair), Cllr. Aarons, Cllr Birchall, Cllr.Wrigglesworth .
Clerk – H.Fothergill
also present Mr K.Tillett, Mr P.Leverton, Mr P.Leverton.
13199 APOLOGIES – Cllr. Heard, Tadcaster Town and District Cllr Mackay, NYCC Cllr. Metcalfe.
13201 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS –The minutes of the ordinary Parish Council meeting held 13th March 2014 having been read, were signed as a true record, without adjustment (See Item 13209).
13202 PROGRESS REPORTS – No reports this month.
13203 VILLAGE HALL AND GROUNDS – Clerk advised that Village Hall had been booked as Polling Station for European Elections 22nd May 2014
13204.1 Parish Council Account
13204.2 Village Hall Account
Chairman initialled all Bank statements and Invoices.
13205 RENEWAL OF GRASS CUTTING CONTRACT – Prior to the commencement of the meeting Mr Leverton asked the Parish Council what progress had been made in consideration of additional grass cutting at Garnet Lane, following a site visit by Cllr Wrigglesworth and Living Landscapes. Clerk advised that he had received a quote of £240 for two cuts per year, this being around 17% of the total grass cutting contract value for the Parish. This matter was discussed, with the Chairman requesting that in order to support the request Mr Leverton could prepare details outlining why this area required additional grass cutting, referencing any dangers, safety issues or accidents that have occurred in the past. Clerk then to contact SDC/NYCC to ascertain if they could assist in this matter, and also consider changes to their grass cutting plan, as Mr Tillett volunteered to undertake the existing work at Church Lane, leaving the possibility of including the additional work at Garnet lane in the SDC/NYCC plan. The Chairman thanked Mr Tillett for the offer of his services. Clerk advised that Living Landscapes have accepted and agreed renewal on the existing terms, and will commence cutting this month, with any additional work to be considered when this matter is resolved.
Parish Council reviewed the following items: –
a) Clerk had previously contacted SDC planning department re status of relocation of 30mph sign adjacent Station House, Weedling Gate. Clerk to follow up as no response received to date.
b) Re -Building consent for retention of retractable canopies and fixed shutters at ground floor level until no later than 31 December 2014, Hazlewood Castle Hotel, Paradise Lane, Hazelwood. Permission has now has been refused. PC to visit and check enforcement.
Clerk to provide spreadsheet update of receipts and expenditures for year end, following issue of final bank statements. Following chairman’s signature of acceptance, details will be placed on the website. .
13208 BEECH TREE CROSSROADS AND WINGATE HILL–Email from resident requesting improvements to verges and signs at Wingate Hill. Management Control Engineer advised Clerk that NYCC responsibility extended to 50m along Wingate Hill up from the Beech Tree, the road after that point was owned privately. Clerk to contact residents to ascertain ownership of this section of road.
13209 AFFORDABLE HOUSING SURVEY – Prior to the meeting Mr Tillett had complained that the minutes excluded information regarding proposed contact with the Rural Housing Enabler, also stating that process of issuing an Affordable Hosing Survey had been slow and was consequently delaying his application to secure an affordable home. The Parish Council advised that as stated under last months minutes, a document had been prepared commenting on the Rural Housing Eenabler’s draft Affordable Housing Survey letter, and this was to be sent to their representative, along with a second invitation asking her to address the Parish Council. Therefore, the minutes of the ordinary Parish Council meeting held 13th March 2014 having been read, were signed as a true record, without adjustment.
13210 VILLAGE BUS TIMETABLE Cllr.Birchall previously reported that he had made contact with NYCC Cllr. Metcalfe and Cllr Mackay following NYCC proposed revisions to village bus timetables. The Parish had Council expressed their disappointment that Cllr Birchall had received no response. Clerk had followed up by email to both Councillors, with Cllr Metcalfe sending an email on the day of this meeting, advising that he had forwarded the Parish Council’s comments into the consultation process, but that going forward there will be even further reductions to the bus subsidy budget, and that he would update the Parish Council with regard to future implications. Clerk to seek confirmation that the 492/493 buses will continue to run via Stutton since the new timetable refers to Grimston but no longer to Stutton.
13211 CHURCH – Parish Council reviewed recent developments in relation to the future of Stutton Church – Cllr Wrigglesworth advised that St Mary’s Church are giving consideration to selling St Aidan’s Church, but as yet this matter has still not been resolved.
13212 LIGHT AND GRAFFITI TO UNDERPASS – Clerk advised that Utley Electrical have completed the work to the lights. Clerk to Contact the Highways Contractors who are responsible for removal of graffiti.
13213 BENCH REPAIR STUTTON ROAD Parish Council thanked Cllr Wrigglesworth for arranging repair work to bench, which is now complete.
13214 WEEDLING GATE – CRACK IN ROAD – Clerk advised details re report by Resident re crack along road -Weedling Gate and will report to Highways Dept.
13215 WEEDLING GATE – TREE/BUSH MAINTENANCE- Report by Resident re requirement to trim /remove bush opposite the former Station House. Clerk has asked SDC to action.
13216 REPAIRS TO FENCE, AT BEND, ON MILL LANE – Clerk to contact SDC re repairs to the fence, this has been outstanding for a long period of time.
13217. CORRESPONDENCE – To note the following items of correspondence for information:
Letter re Community Governance Arrangements – SDC
13219 The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Thursday 8th May 2014 at 7.30 pm and will commence with the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. The Annual Parish Meeting will also take place on Thursday, 8th May 2014, at 7.00pm.
PART II – No items
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 20.44hrs.