MINUTES OF STUTTON CUM HAZLEWOOD PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Thursday 8th December 2016 at 19:30 in the Stutton Village Hall.
Chairman: Cllr Mrs T Fawcett
Clerk: Mrs S Loaring. Molmill, Malt Kiln Terrace, Stutton, Tadcaster LS249SF
Telephone: 01937 339197. Email Clerkstuttonpc@gmail.com
Present: Cllr T Fawcett Cllrs C Heard; S Wrigglesworth; Cllr P Spurrier.
Clerk – S Loaring; NYCC Cllr Metcalfe; SDC Cllr Mackay; four members of the publlic.
Apologies: Cllr Birchall, Sue Dunham – Village Hall.
All present signed the attendance book.
Village Hall
Village Hall Report:
A meeting has been scheduled for 14th December in Stutton Village Hall to discuss the Village Hall. Levels of attendance are not currently known.
Action: Clerk to send reminder to gauge numbers and inform Cllr Metcalfe who will facilitate the meeting.
A discussion ensued around the future of the hall, establishing its Governance at the meeting and any barriers to progress which may need to be bottomed out along with the make up of a Village Hall Committee and possible funding streams to enable substantial renovations to be made.
It was highlighted that as a Precepting body, the Parish Council would be unlikely to secure funding but as a Village Hall and with Playgroup’s charitable status then other funding routes could be looked into.
Playgroup highlighted the desire to look at a long term commitment to Stutton including investment in the Hall if required, but that the current contract/agreement should be looked at to accommodate this and other requirements.
No accounts were available this month.
Agenda items
161201. Welcome
The Chairman welcomed Councillors and public to the meeting.
161202. Declarations of interest
No declarations of interest were received.
161203. Public Forum
4 members of public were present
Benches – one member of the public recommended that these are concreted and not flagged. The Parish Council discussed and resolved to amend the requirement to that recommended as the cost was the same.
Kissing gates – a quotation for these has been passed to Cllr Wrigglesworth. There is no cost for installation in the quotation at this point as confirmation is needed if they need to be removable to accommodate lawnmowers and other grass cutting equipment.
161204. Apologies
David Birchall sent apologies as he was unwell.
This was accepted by the Parish Council.
161205. Minutes of previous meeting
Councillors discussed and resolved to accept the 12 November minutes as an accurate record of the meeting.
The Chairman signed the accepted minutes.
161206. To receive reports from
I) Chairman – activities since the last meeting – No report.
II) NY County Councillor – Chris Metcalfe – No report.
III) SD Councillor – Don Mackay – No report.
IV) Any other representatives – Police, CEF, etc. – No report.
V) Progress reports – to give updates on ongoing projects – None.
161207. RFO’s report on current balances and payments
a) Current balances
The Current Account statement balance £17,493.72 27 October-27 November.
The Business Account statement balance £2093.12 as at 30 September.
b)Payments made
c)Payments made at this meeting
Clerk’s salary £229.32 Cheque No 000796.
Village Hall £30.00 Cheque No 000794.
d)Other invoices received since agenda preparation
Utley Electrical £547.20 for electrical work to the underpass Cheque No 000795.
e) Payments received since the last meeting
f) Visit to bank with Cllr Fawcett and Clerk took place to address frequency of statements, address and look into Internet Banking for the Parish Council and add signatories to the account. The Clerk handed forms for Councillors wishing to be added as signatories and requested they let the Clerk know when they had taken them with the relevant photo ID to the bank.
161208. Planning
i) Applications received:
None Received.
ii) Decisions received:
2016/1055/HPA/8/70/40N/PA Brante House – 2 Bay timber structure – WITHDRAWN.
2016/117/OUT/8/70/203C/PA Erection of single dwelling to land East of 15 Mill Lane – PASSED.
iii) Update on planning issues:
The Council discussed the impact of not having a published 5 year plan and that some developers may be taking advantage of this and getting plans passed that had previously been rejected. Cllr Metcalfe reassured the Parish Council and members of the public that due care and attention was being taken when looking at planning applications which may be being pushed through to take advantage of this.
161209. Speedwatch
Cllr Wrigglesworth’s details have been passed to Cllr Birchall and Sally Loaring is happy to be included on the Speedwatch register. Cllr Birchall to provide a progress update at the next meeting.
161210. Buses serving Stutton Village
No updates on buses through Stutton are likely until after the Bridge opens.
One additional commercial service from Connexions to Harrogate has been noted.
161211. Speeding on Garnet Lane
Clerk wrote to Gary Lumb for his advice. Awaiting a response.
161012 Grass cutting on verges where rare wild flowers are found
Pauline Hogg would like to come to the January meeting and update the PC on progress and management of verges.
Ownership has been established as Highways England.
Pauline will draft a management plan.
Pauline will draft a piece for the Stutton Standard.
161213. Document Review
The Council discussed the comments made by Cllr Birchall and resolved that Cllr Birchall would complete the outstanding documents including posting them to the Parish Council Website.
Clerk to feedback to Cllr Birchall on specific details.
161214. Update on dog poo bins
Cllr Wriggleswoth chased and is ongoing.
161215. Precept
The Parish Council discussed and resolved to wait until Cllr Birchall had clarified the make up of the Precept before committing to which option to take for 2017.
Cllr Birchall to feed back via email if possible before the next meeting.
Cllr Mackay highlighted that Grants would cease completely within the next two years.
161216. Phone Box Adoption update
Clerk reported that the relevant documents had been sent off to BT.
161217 Underpass lighting update
The electrical bill for the installation of new lighting to replace the broken lights has been paid.
Clerk to contact Highways to establish ownership – ongoing.
Cllr Metcalfe suggested that Stutton PC write a piece for Tadcaster Today to highlight their role in resolving the lighting issue whilst the issue of ownership is ongoing and also responding to feedback and cutting vegetation during the summer months.
Clerk to make contact with Tadcaster Town Council Clerk.
161218 Correspondence received
Precept 2017.
Banking updates for Councillors.
Superfast broadband – to be scanned and sent to Councillors.
161219 Action taken since last meeting under clerk’s delegated powers
1. Ongoing dispute over lighting (Clerk to resolve).
2. Fly tipping signs – received no response from Towton. Clerk to write again.
161220 Councillors’ Forum
a)To take any urgent points of community interest and/or concern from councillors. No decisions may be taken at this meeting on any items raised here. Clerk to make notes for future reference. None.
b) Items for the next agenda
To take any points from councillors for inclusion on the next agenda. None.
161221. To receive any further comments on the meeting from electors present
1. Cllr Mackay expressed disappointment at Stutton Parish Council’s decision to not to contribute to Tadcaster Cemetery fees. Names of Stutton PC Councllors will be put in the relevant place on Tadcaster Town Council’s website to invite anyone who wishes to discuss this decision to contact them.
2. Cllr Metcalfe announced the bridge opening date is January 27th with an official opening planned attended by dignitaries followed by a Community Celebration day at the end of January or beginning of February.
3. Tour de Yorkshire – Tadcaster will have a Start including the Ladies’ and Men’s races. The route includes Stutton Road, Garnet Lane and Woodlands giving Stutton Parishioners the opportunity to view the race on their doorstep.
161222. Date, time and place of the next meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 12th January at 7.30pm in Stutton Village Hall.
161223. Closure of Part 1 of the council meeting
The meeting closed at 9.02
Part 2 Members of the public and press are excluded from this part of the meeting
161224. Contract for Playgroup
161225. Invitation for tenders for Grass Cutting
Signed……………………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………………….
Action points from the meeting
Contract for Grass Cutting to be located.
Management plan for Grass cutting on verges where wild flowers grow to be requested and circulated.