Minutes of the Meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held on 11 February 2021 at 19:30 via Zoom Video-conference.
Clerk: Mrs G Kitchen.
Email: clerkstuttonpc@gmail.com Tel: 07796 544404
Meetings are open to the press and public except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Press and public may not speak when the council is in session.
Present: Cllr D Birchall (Chairman), Cllr P Spurrier, Cllr C Heard, Cllr E Catt, Cllr E Collins. Cllr D Mackay.
Clerk/RFO: Mrs G Kitchen.
No members of the public were present.
Agenda items
210201. Welcome
Chairman welcomed councillors to the meeting.
210202. Apologies
To receive councillors’ apologies and reasons for absence; to resolve whether or not to accept the reasons. None received
210203. Declarations of interest
To receive and record any declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests. Councillors with any prejudicial interests must leave the meeting for the relevant item(s). None declared
210204. Minutes of previous meeting
- Councillors to discuss and resolve whether or not to accept the 14 January minutes as an accurate record of the meeting.
- Chairman to sign the minutes if accepted. The council resolved to accept the minutes and clerk to sign on behalf of the chairman
210205. Public Forum
To receive comments on agenda items and matters of community interest from electors present. For information only; clerk to note comments; no discussion between councillors and electors. No members of the public were present.
210206. To receive reports from:
- County and District Councillors. Cllr Mackay highlighted that the intention is still to hold the local elections in May. A decision is expected at the end of the month. Concerns that if they were to take place, there would be implications for the public and the election staff.
- Any other representatives – Police, CEF etc. None present.
210207. RFO’s Report on current balances and payments
a) Current balances (to be dealt with at the meeting) as at 27 January 2021
Current account £11772.20
Investment account £10038.20
CIL balance £325.60
b) Payments made since last meeting
bi) Direct365 (defib pads) £47.09 cheque no.000978
bii) G Kitchen January salary £204.25 cheque no.000979
d) Any other invoices received since agenda preparation. None.
e) Council resolved to accept report and payments; RFO to initial bank sheets & invoices on behalf of the Chairman.
210208. Planning
Applications received: Council to discuss and resolve comments on any applications received.
None at time of agenda preparation.
One received on the day of the meeting from SDC, although processed by SDC 9 days previously. To be considered electronically – 2021/0083/HPA Erection of double storey side and rear extension to Green Hedges, Green Lane, Stutton.
London Road Quarry – The NYCC planning officer had written to the applicant suggesting a disposal as it had been outstanding for 3 years. The applicant’s planning consultant has refused this, stating that they are in the process of compiling the required environmental impact statement.
Applications considered electronically since the last meeting:
None at time of agenda preparation.
210209. Matters ongoing since the last meeting
- Underpass – still awaiting lighting contract from NPower.
- Church Lane footpath – referred to Highways.
- Speeding – speed surveys on Weedling Gate and Garnet Lane awaiting normal traffic resumption after lockdown removed. Cllr Mackay reported that there are some funds available in the Police and Crime Commissioner’s budget.
- Road markings – awaiting action from Highways.
- Children and road safety. Cllr Heard reported that no meeting of the VHC has yet taken place.
- Memorial Stone – The 3 prices were discussed. The clerk has negotiated a 10% discount on the cost. It was resolved to commission a bronze plaque to replace the fading lettering on the stone memorial.
- Website (accessibility regulations) – Cllr Heard is in the process of preparing a statement for the website and hopes for it to be ready shortly. Cllr Heard to contact website designers as YLCA have confirmed that they have no preferred suppliers.
- Telephone box – ongoing.
- Parish notice board – ongoing.
- Rural housing – Cllr Heard has not yet heard anything from the officer concerned.
- Clerk’s IT equipment – no progress due to lockdown 3 restrictions.
210210. Correspondence received
- YLCA – power to hold remote meetings. Clerk has circulated the note from YLCA which suggests that Zoom meetings would end after May. That would be unfortunate. The council discussed the note and resolved no action required at this current time.
- Local plan – a very extensive document is available on the website. As there are no mentions of Stutton on the plan, it was resolved that no action is required at the moment.
- Flytipping and siting of litter bins – A complaint received about fly tipping in Tadcaster area from a Tadcaster resident who was referred to Stutton. Cllr Mackay will arrange to take action. Action clerk to refer the resident to Cllr Mackay.
- Changes to planning consultations – SDC have made the decision not to write to neighbours of planning applicants. Cllr McKay reported that the decision has been made at executive level. Notices will be erected adjacent to the properties. The council discussed the decision and unanimously resolved to express disagreement with the decision, based on the process being undemocratic and making minimal cost savings. Clerk to write to Chief Executive.
- Stutton Road footpath – Cllr Heard reported that the footpath is being used much more at present and long stretches are only 1 person wide, resulting in people walking on the road and verges. It was hoped the situation might improve when lockdown restrictions were lifted.
- Reorganisation of NYCC – clerk has circulated an email from SDC and Cllr Heard had circulated a map. The council resolved to discuss at the next meeting.
210211. Village Hall
Report from Cllr Heard re Village Hall matters. Nothing to report
210212. Councillors’ Forum
a}To take any urgent points of community interest and/or concern from Councillors. No decisions may be taken at this meeting on any items raised here. Clerk to make notes for future reference.
- Paradise Lane, Hazlewood – Cllr Mackay reported on a discussion with Highways England about the danger when exiting from Paradise Lane onto the A64. They will consider erection of signs but are investigating.
- Flooding of Cock Beck eroding the Old London Road bridge and footpath. Cllr Mackay reported that it would be the responsiblity of the Footpaths Officer in NYCC, and promised to contact him and report back at the next meeting. Mike Guerney is the Footpaths Officer and clerk to contact him with regard to repair.
b) To take any points from Councillors for inclusion on the next agenda. Nothing requested.
210213. Further comments from the public
To receive any further comments on the meeting from electors present. None present
210214. Date, time and place of next meeting
Council to agree date, time and place of next meeting.
Date of next meeting 11 March 2021, 19.30 via Zoom.
210215. Closure of Part 1 of the Council meeting
The meeting closed at 20.41.
Part 2
Members of the public and press are excluded from this part of the meeting.
No Part 2 items.
Signed. G.Kitchen (clerk/RFO) 15 February2021