Meeting 12 of 2013/2014
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held at 19.30 on Thursday 13th February 2014 at Stutton Village Hall
Present:- Cllr. Fawcett (Chair), Cllr. Aarons, Cllr. Wrigglesworth, Cllr Birchall, Cllr. Heard.
Clerk – H Fothergill
13164 APOLOGIES – None
13166 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – The minutes of the ordinary Parish Council meeting held 9th January 2014 having been read, were signed as a true record.
No reports this month
a) Councillor Wrigglesworth had contacted Utley electrical regarding provision and installation of light (which could be activated externally). This has now been installed and facilitates a safer access to the village hall at night.
b) SDC Benefits and Taxation support are challenging the 80% rates relief reduction, previously granted to the Village Hall. Clerk to reply, in an effort to maintain existing rate relief.
13169.1 Parish Council Account
13169.2 Village Hall Account
Chairman initialled all Bank statements and Invoices
13169.3 Budget 2014/2015 – Parish Council reviewed and discussed Precept guideline documentation and requested Clerk to forward Precept request with a 3% inflationary increase. Parish councils have received government funded grants, with Stutton Parish Council awarded £543.42 toward their Precept for 2014/15.
13170 Renewal of Grass cutting Contract – Parish Council had contacted Living Landscapes and offered a renewal of the grass-cutting contract for year 2014/15. Clerk advised that Living Landscapes have accepted and agreed renewal, on the existing terms. Cllr Wrigglesworth followed up a request by a resident for additional grass cutting in an area on Garnet Lane and visited the site with Living Landscapes. Clerk to Contact Living Landscapes to request fixed quote for this additional work.
13171 PLANNING – No applications this month, but Parish Council requested Clerk to seek an extension on the time period to review an application to extend extraction operations at Jackdaw Crag Quarry, Tadcaster. This will allow the application to be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.
13172 PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE – Cllr Heard to update the website following previous request by Cllr Fawcett that sequential information, including planning information, should accessed on the website with latest details displayed first, rather than having older information at the top ( this change in the order of information has been addressed by Councillor Birchall).
Clerk to provide updated statement of accounts, to be placed on the Website.
13173 BEECH TREE CROSSROADS – JUNCTION No response received from traffic Management Control Engineer (North Yorks) re investigation into measures for safety improvement at this junction. Clerk to check progress again.
13174 20-MILE PER HOUR SPEED LIMIT WITHIN VILLAGE- Cllr Aarons had obtained form re request for speed monitoring and had forwarded to SDC. No response received. Clerk to check progress, on behalf of residents.
13175 AFFORDABLE HOUSING SURVEY– Mr Tillet (non-resident member of the public) had previously asked how an individual who was not currently living in the village would receive notification that a survey was to be undertaken. Clerk had contacted SDC affordable housing department who have advised that notification would be made by advertisement, and that application forms were available from SDC affordable housing department.
13176 DOGS FOULING PATH OUTSIDE VILLAGE HALL – Clerk had contacted SDC to seek advice/assistance in how to deter this persistent problem, despite the presence of penalty notice signage. While SDC understood the problem they could offer no additional input, other than catching offenders red-handed/pawed. With no other suggestions forthcoming, clerk will contact Playgroup with the suggestion that the children could undertake a project conveying the problem by painting up some big posters, in an effort to shame the guilty offenders into using the dog waste bins. If required Parish Council would assist in the means to display this work.
13177 VILLAGE BUS TIMETABLE Cllr.Birchall reported that he had made contact with NYCC Cllr. Metcalfe and Cllr Mackay following NYCC proposed revisions to village bus timetables, which appear to have changed again, from a time regular service back to an irregular service. The Parish Council expressed their disappointment that Cllr Birchall had received no response, despite providing detailed information including load factors, and being advised of the potential for financial assistance to be provided by bodies such as Tadcaster CEF.
13178 CORRESPONDENCE – The following items of correspondence received/actioned:-
Electoral review of Selby, Final recommendations – Boundary Commission – Letter and Map.
a) Councillor Wrigglesworth advised that lights, drain cover, and graffiti at underpass on footpath to Tadcaster all required attention/repair.
b) Councillor Arrons advised that benches located from Beech Tree to Stutton Road required attention/refurbishment.
c) Email from resident requesting improvements to verges and signs at Wingate hill. Clerk to forward to NYCC.
13180 The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Thursday, 13th March 2014 at 7.30 pm.
Part II
General review completed
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 20.37hrs.