MINUTES OF STUTTON CUM HAZLEWOOD PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Thursday 11th January 2018 at 19:30 in the Stutton Village Hall.
Chairman: Cllr Mrs T Fawcett
Clerk: Mrs G Kitchen. 6Wood Lane, Thorpe Willoughby, Selby, YO8 9PT
Telephone: 01757 703664. Email Clerkstuttonpc@gmail.com
Present: Cllr T FawcettCllrs C Heard; Cllr P Spurrier, Cllr D Birchall, D Kent.
Clerk –G.Kitchen; NYCC Cllr Mackay. + 1 member of the public
Apologies:There were no apologies
All present signed the attendance book
Agenda items
180101. Welcome
The Chairman welcomed Councillors and public to the meeting.
180102. Declarations of interest
No declarations of interest were received.
180103. Public Forum
No issues were raised.
180104. Apologies
There were no apologies.
180105. Minutes of previous meeting
Councillors discussed and resolved to accept the 28th November minutes as an accurate record of the meeting, The Chairman signed the accepted minutes.
180106. To receive reports from
I) Chairman –20 is plenty campaign. It was suggested that the system in Barkston Ash be examined. Cllr Spurrier agreed to assess the area.
It was discussed and resolved to write to the agent of the property adjacent to 15 Mill Lane regarding the damaged fence.
II) NY County Councillor –no report
III) SD Councillor –No report
IV) Any other representatives –Police, CEF etc –No report
V) Progress reports –to give updates on ongoing projects
Cllr Spurrier proposed an Honorary Freeman Award for the Late Kenneth Wright. Cllr Spurrier confirmed that no specific criteria are required.180107. RFO’s report on current balances and payments
Cllr Heard reported on car parking issues near Stutton Cross and has written to the transport officer of TGS regarding safety concerns.
180107. RFO’s report on current balances and payments
a)The clerk reported that she was unable to supply current balances etc as she had no access to the accounts or cheque book. It was resolved that she contact Sally Loaring (previous clerk) to obtain these details.
b) Payments received since the last meeting
10108. Planning
Applications received:
Decisions received:
Demolition of existing two storey garage Low Park, Chantry Lane –approved
Retention of existing access at Red Brickhouse Farm –approved
Single storey rear extension at Molmill, Moor Lane -approved.
Update on planning issues:
180109. Tadcaster CEF Partnership meeting on 15/01/18
Attendance was discussed and Cllr Mackayconfirmed that Parish Councils cannot apply for funding from the the CEF. Cllr Kent agreed to attend the meeting.
180110. Request for information from Wigginton PC regarding the appointment of a village warden
Cllr Kent reported that his previous parish of Alwoodley had employed a Lengthsman and this had been very successful. It was resolved for the Parish Clerk to contact Wiggintonparish councilwith this information and ask for further advice as the council is considering employing a village warden. It was resolved that the clerk contact the YLCA for advice.
180111. Adopt a Kiosk
The Parish Clerk reported on the receipt of the certificate. The council discussed and resolved to write to Richard Champion and Sally Loaring to inform them of the receipt and to confirmthey should begin putting together some proposals for the kiosk.
180112 Council Tax Precept
The council discussed and resolved to opt for option 4
180113. Parish Clerk salary and contract
It was resolved that the clerk should contact both Mary Farman and Sally Loaring
180114. Parish Clerk Training
The Council discussed and agreed that the Parish Clerk should attend the training.
180115. Banking update
The clerk reported that she had no access to the bank accounts to provide an update. It was resolved that the clerk should contact Sally Loaringfor these details.
180116. Moor Lane -Tipping
The council discussed the need to publicise the recent success.
The council resolved to write to Selby District Council regarding fly tipping of tyres on the Old London Road.
180117 Correspondence received
None additional to itemised in the agenda.
180118 Action taken since the last meeting under the clerk’s delegated powers
180119 Village Hall Update –see part 2
The proposal to bid for broadband, specifically for anyone with a lack of computer skills/access was discussed. It was suggested that the parish council could support this in principle but would need more information.
Archive material –the parish clerk reported that she will be in contact with NYCC to collect the filing cabinet of material to be placed in the archives.
180120 –Councillors’ Forum
Grass cutting contract –the current contract is almost expired. The council discussed the need for a tender process and to inform the current contract holder of this. It was resolved that the clerk contact the clerk at Tadcaster Town Council for advice on where to advertisethe tender process.
Cllr Kent reported that he is to contact DemocraticServices for a copy of the electoral register.
180121 Further comments from the public
180122 Date and time of next meeting
8thFebruary 2018 7.30 PM.
180123 Closure of Part 1 of the meeting at 8.50 PM
Part 2 Members of the public and press are excluded from this part of the meeting
Chair’s report regarding the village hall.
The meeting closed at 21.10PM
Signed……………………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………………….