MINUTES OF STUTTON CUM HAZLEWOOD PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Thursday 12th January 2017 at 19:30 in the Stutton Village Hall.
Chairman: Cllr Mrs T Fawcett.
Clerk: Mrs S Loaring. Molmill, Malt Kiln Terrace, Stutton, Tadcaster LS249SF.
Telephone: 01937 339197. Email Clerkstuttonpc@gmail.com
Present: Cllr T Fawcett Cllrs C Heard; S Wrigglesworth; Cllr P Spurrier, Cllr Birchall.
Clerk – S Loaring; NYCC Cllr Metcalfe.
Apologies: Sue Dunham – Village Hall, SDC Cllr Mackay.
All present signed the attendance book.
Village Hall
Village Hall Report:
The code for the key safe is to be changed after every let and emailed to the Clerk to be kept as a record.
Cllr Wrigglesworth to advise Sue Dunham how to change the code.
Clerk circulated accounts done by Sue Dunham for the Village Hall
Agenda items
170101. Welcome
The Chairman welcomed Councillors and public to the meeting.
170102. Declarations of interest
No declarations of interest were received.
170103. Public Forum
Three members of public were present to discuss various community topics.
David Gluck – introduced himself to the Parish Council and advised he has been retained by Chris Metcalfe to support facilitation of a functioning Village Hall Committee. He is currently meeting with various stakeholder groups. David also advised he will be speaking to Sheena Spence at the YLCA who has provided legal assistance to date and advised the Clerk on a variety of issues relating to the Village Hall and its constitution.
170104. Apologies
The Council resolved to accept Cllr Mackay’s apology.
170105. Minutes of previous meeting
Councillors discussed and resolved to accept the 8th December minutes as an accurate record of the meeting, The Chairman signed the accepted minutes.
170106. To receive reports from
I) Chairman – activities since the last meeting – No report.
II) NY County Councillor – Chris Metcalfe thanked David Gluck for his involvement and expressed his confidence that he is the right man to be involved in Village Hall matters. The Chairman thanked Chris Metcalfe for his support and advice. Bridge update – the number of stone masons increased from 8 to 12. Some aspects of the build are ahead of schedule and some are not. As a contingency the bridge opening has been pushed back to February but Cllr Metcalfe was keen to reaffirm that there is still a huge push to have the bridge completed as soon as possible.
III) SD Councillor – Don Mackay – No report.
IV) Any other representatives – Police, CEF etc – No report.
V) Progress reports – to give updates on ongoing projects – None.
170107. RFO’s report on current balances and payments
a) Current balances
The Current Account statement balance £17,430.13 25 November – 23 December
The Business Account statement balance £2,093.26 30 September – 30 December.
b)Payments made
c)Payments made at this meeting
Clerk’s salary £229.32 Cheque No 000798.
d)Other invoices received since agenda preparation
Keith Tillett – £590 for benches and concrete. The Parish Council discussed and resolved to accept additional cost. Cheque No. 000799.
e) Payments received since the last meeting
170108. Planning
Applications received:
2016/1478/FUL 8/70/154C/PA – Replacement dwelling at Peggy Ellerton Farm
Previously refused. PC comments taken into account and read out by Cllr Fawcett.
The PC would like to request a test panel – sample of stone. Concerns relevant stone.
2016/1476/OUT 8/70/208A/PA – Outline application for detached dwelling on land to the NE of Church Lane/Weedling Gate
The PC has no comment to make and happy with the proposal as long as it is built to the village statement.
Decisions received:
Update on planning issues:
170109. Speedwatch
Cllr Birchall advised that Speedwatch is unlikely to proceed as planned because of the stipulations on how to take speed readings and health and safety considerations being impossible to implement in Stutton.
It was suggested that a “20 is Plenty” campaign is looked into – similar to Barkston Ash. This or any other illuminated sign initiative would sit outside County Council jurisdiction.
The Parish Council discussed and resolved to look into alternative Speed calming measures.
Clerk to contact Barkston Ash and enquire with Tadcaster Town Council how they had their illuminated speed sign installed.
As part of the discussion it was highlighted that cars on Church Crescent could potentially block emergency vehicles gaining access. It was resolved that a piece should be written for the Stutton Standard highlighting this and asking that cars are parked thoughtfully.
Clerk to write a piece for Stutton Standard.
161210. Buses serving Stutton Village
Cllr Metcalfe advised that buses would not deviate off the A 162 to Stutton, however it is understood that an increased service is required and this will be kept under review. It is likely to be reviewed once the Bridge is re opened and journey times can be accurately calculated.
170111. Speeding on Garnet Lane
Gary Lumb responded to the Clerk’s request for support. He has requested speed monitoring at Garnet Terrace once children are back at school. Clerk to follow up.
170112 Grass cutting on verges where rare wild flowers are found
Pauline Hogg reported on the verges where important wild flowers are found on Moor Lane, outside Stutton. Pauline advised that the verges are owned by Highways England and Highways England are responsible for managing them. Action needed to stop cutting of verges at inappropriate times.
Pauline had circulated a management plan which was distributed on email before the meeting.
Parish Council discussed and resolved to ask Keith Tillett to support Pauline’s request to have the verges cut as specific times (currently outside his contracted work).
Keith Tillett to supply a quotation for this work to the Parish Council once it has been discussed with Pauline.
It was suggested information boards be placed at the site. The Wildlife Trust will provide information but not funding for boards. It is possible a Grant application can be made to provide boards.
David Gluck suggested he may be able to help to secure funding. Highways England are happy to have signs next to the fence.
In addition PLEASE DO NOT CUT signs need to be placed at the front of the verges.
Pauline has drafted a piece for the Stutton Standard to highlight the news.
Clerk forwarded to Editor for inclusion.
It was requested that the Stutton Standard be circulated to Garnet Terrace and the houses at the top of Moor Lane. Clerk to request this from Stutton Standard.
170113. Document Review
Cllr Birchall has completed the documents and put the relevant updated documents on the website.
170114. Update on dog poo bins
Cllr Wriggleswoth has chased SDC again and is awaiting a response.
170115. Precept
The Parish Council discussed and resolved to request Option D £9,250
It was felt that it wold be appropriate to put a piece in the Stutton Standard highlighting what work the Parish Council has done and intends to do covering 2016/7 including
Contribution for bulb planting
Contribution to fireworks
Dog Poo bins etc
Underpass lighting
Signs (if agreed) for wildflowers
Clerk to draft a piece for the Stutton Standard.
170116. Phone Box Adoption update
Clerk reported that the relevant documents had been sent off to BT and SDC Planning department.
Awaiting further advice on next steps.
Clerk asked what we would like to do with it and the Parish Council discussed and resolved to write a piece for the Stutton Standard asking the local community what they felt they wanted to do with it.
Towton has a book exchange/library and housing the Defibrillator was also mentioned.
Clerk to write a piece for the Stutton Standard.
170117. Underpass lighting update
Clerk to again contact Highways to try to establish ownership – ongoing.
Cllr Metcalfe suggested that Stutton PC write a piece for Tadcaster Today to highlight their role in resolving the lighting issue whilst the issue of ownership is ongoing and also responding to feedback and cutting vegetation during the summer months. Copy deadline for Tadcaster newsletter is 3 March.
Clerk to write a piece.
170118. Banking update
This is ongoing. Councillors are politely requested to get their details to Nat West Bank in Tadcaster before the next Parish Council meeting in February.
170119. Grit bins and maintenance
The Parish Council would like to thank Cllr Wrigglesworth for responding so quickly to a parishioner’s feedback re the grit bins on Manor Road and Church Crescent.
A new plastic shovel is still needed. Cllr Wrigglesworth offered to provide one.
It was discussed and resolved to check the bins in November/December each year in preparation for the cold weather. Locations include Green Lane, Church Crescent and Calcaria House.
170120. ‘Battle’s over” – A Nation’s tribute
The Parish Council discussed the information supplied and resolved to be a part of these important celebrations.
An offer of support from a member of the public was welcomed and the Council resolved to form a Sub Committee to manage the Parish Council’s contributions to this important event for the community.
Cllr Heard and Cllr Spurrier will form the sub committee along with other interested members of the public and will report back on progress at the next PC meeting.
Keith Tillett agreed to look at a Beacon design and potentially a site for it.
The Sub Committee to report back next month.
170121. Correspondence received
Grit bins
Battle’s over
Wildflower management – Pauline Hogg
Gary Lumb
Mark Gurney – Public Rights of Way re footpath and re installation of “gates”
Neighbourhood Watch scheme – an email received from a Parishioner asking if there has been a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. None exists at the moment. This does not need Parish Council management and any interested residents can form a Watch scheme if they wish to.
Karen Long has resigned as Manager of Stutton Playgroup.
170122. Action taken since last meeting under clerk’s delegated powers
1. Ongoing dispute over lighting (Clerk to resolve).
2. Fly tipping signs – received no response from Towton.Clerk wrote again in January.
3. Kissing Gates – Mark Gurney is looking into having them (or chicane) reinstated.
170123. Councillors’ Forum
a) To take any urgent points of community interest and/or concern from councillors. No decisions may be taken at this meeting on any items raised here. Clerk to make notes for future reference
Cllr Heard to support the Clerk to set up Cloud Backup for all files and maybe Dropbox to support file sharing.
b) Items for the next agenda
None received.
170124. To receive any further comments on the meeting from electors present
Pauline Hogg – advised that she had details of some information boards which could be placed on the verges with wild flower information. Pauline Hogg to forward information to Clerk.
170125. Date, time and place of the next meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 9th February at 7.30pm in Stutton Village Hall.
Chairman advised she will be on annual leave and so Cllr Birchall will Chair the meeting.
170126. Closure of Part 1 of the council meeting
The meeting closed at 2115.
Part 2 Members of the public and press are excluded from this part of the meeting
There was no Part 2 meeting.
Signed……………………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………………….
Action points from the meeting
Contract for Grass Cutting to be located.