Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held on Thursday 14th January 2016 at 19:30 in the Stutton Village Hall
Chairman: Cllr. T Fawcett
Interim Clerk: Mrs FMA Farman. Three Greens. The Green. Gateforth. YO8 9LF
Telephone: 01757 228 325. E-mail: parish.councilfmaf@yahoo.com
Present: Cllrs T Fawcett; D Birchall; C Heard; P Spurrier; S Wrigglesworth. Interim Clerk – M Farman
NYCC Cllr C Metcalfe; TTC & SDC Cllr D Bain-Mackay. Village Hall – R Rose. 1 visitor.
All present signed the attendance book.
Village Hall
i. Reports
a. Reported there had been no success in recruiting new members to join the Village Hall Committee.
b. Requested a structural survey of the Village Hall.
c. Playgroup request for permission to install and pay for phone line. Agreed to by Parish Council.
d. Plans are in hand for the upgrading of playgroup cabinets and doors.
ii Accounts
a. These are up by some £170 from this time last year.
b. Cllr PS reported that there is approximately some £1,700 available for essential maintenance and repairs to the Village Hall donated for the purpose by the ‘Save St Aidan’s Fund’ following a public vote on how the money should be spent.
c. Direct debits have been set up for gas and electricity bills.
d. The necessary cheques were signed.
RR was thanked for the report and left the meeting at this point.
Start of Council Meeting
1. Welcome
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting and reminded visitors of the protocol re comments.
2. Declarations of interest
The Chairman declared an interest in the Minerals and Waste Plan.
3. Public Forum
No electors present; no comments on agenda items and matters of community interest.
4. Apologies
All members present so no apologies.
5. Minutes of previous meeting
i. Councillors resolved to accept the minutes of 12th November and 15th December 2015 as an accurate record.
ii. The Chairman signed the accepted minutes.
6. Reports from:
i. Chairman
All activities covered in the agenda.
ii. County Councillor
a. Flooding – explained the on-going problems with repairing the damaged Nash bridge of 1772 and providing temporary access across the river.
b. Concern expressed about the expected frost and further damage to roads.
c. Explained the cutting in budgets with Shire Counties being hit the worst; e.g. North Yorkshire has a large tax base but has been given £6-7m less revenue support grant than, for example, the city of Westminster. This equates to an approx. 3% increase in council tax.
d. Extra money has been given to support social care for older people.
e. Discussion re devolution – this presents a possible threat to the county of Yorkshire.
f. Discussions re access are under way with Highways England.
g. NYCC has a web page dedicated to Tadcaster and an announcement re a temporary bridge is expected on Friday 15th January.
h. Re-iterated current position, including English Heritage involvement, in replacing 1772 John Nash bridge.
iii. TTC/District Councillor
a. Bridge – the damage caused by the bridge collapse is affecting local businesses.
b. Temporary arrangements are in place to transport residents around the town.
c. Footbridge – there is a current debate as to whether or not this should be temporary or permanent.
d. The flood waters are receding and a small improvement can be seen.
iv. Any other representatives – No reports.
v. Progress reports – updates on on-going projects:
a. Buses – the Vice-chairman reported about the proposed bus cuts to the services to and from Tadcaster. He is in further discussions with the contractors, eg as to why the 493 will not be coming through Stutton, and will report back on any progress.
7. RFO’s report on current balances and payments
a) Current balances
£14,063.49 – current account as at 17 November 2015, statement no. 354. (December statement not yet received)..
£ 2,092.25 – business reserve account s at 1 December 2015, statement no. 101.
b) Payments made since last meeting – no payments made.
c) Payments to be made at this meeting – Cheque no.
£ 25.80 – Clerking expenses; travel and use of home as office. 000768.
£160.00 – Grass cutting. 000769.
£200.00 – Hedge trimming (2 visits). 000770.
d) Any other invoices received since agenda preparation – none received.
e) Payments received since the last meeting – none received.
f) Council resolved to accept the report and make the payment listed above; the Chairman initialled the bank statements and invoice.
g) Council received precept options, discussed requirements for 2016/17 and resolved the precept request.
8. Planning
8.1 Applications received:
a) 2015/1300/HPA; proposal to extend house roof height by 900mm to create 2nd storey accommodation at New Buildings Farm, Weedling Gate. Council discussed and resolved to make no objections subject to the condition that materials used should conform to the Village Design Statement.
b) Comments on any applications received since agenda publication – none received.
8.2 Decisions received since agenda publication: none received.
8.3 Update on planning issues: none received.
9. Minerals and Waste Joint Plan
Council discussed the proposals and resolved comments to be made.
10. Flooding
Dealt with at item 6. ii and iii.
11. Speedwatch
The Vice-chairman reported on problems re setting up discussions; to continue with efforts.
12. Defibrillator
Cllr PS reported that an application for funding has been submitted; currently waiting for a reply.
13. HM the Queen’s 90th Birthday Beacons
Council discussed the proposals and resolved to pass the information on to Stutton Social Committee.
14. Clerk
Council discussed the current situation and resolved to have a meeting with an interested person and that the Clerk emails councillors with suggested hours and the current pay scale.
15. Correspondence received
1. Information re – HM the Queen’s 90th birthday (see agenda item 12).
2. YLCA – reminder re funding for mandatory Transparency Code (see action taken).
3. Precept options for 2016/17 (see agenda item 6.g).
4. YLCA – increase in membership subscriptions for 2016/17.
5. YLCA – notification of Selby Branch meeting on Weds 10th Feb, 19:00, Selby Town Hall.
6. Clerks and Councils Direct – magazine for circulation.
7. YLCA – White Rose Update; newsletter for circulation.
16. Action taken since the last meeting under the Clerk’s delegated powers
Funding request for equipment to meet the requirements of the mandatory Transparency Code.
17. Councillors’ Forum
a) All points of community interest and concern dealt with during the meeting.
b) Items for the next agenda – To agree policies and procedures for review; Meeting programme for 2016/17.
18. Further comments on the meeting from electors present
None present; no comments.
19. Date, time and place of next meeting
Thursday 11 February, 19:30, Stutton Village Hall.
20. Closure of the Council meeting
The meeting closed at 21.10.
Signed: …………………………………………………………………………..…. Chairman. Date: …………………………………………..
Action points from the meeting
Chairman – pass information re HM’s 90th birthday beacon to Social Committee.
Vice-chairman – to continue with attempts to set up a Speedwatch programme.
Clerk – scan and email precept request to SDC and councillors.
Clerk – write and submit planning observations to SDC.
Clerk – write and submit comments on Minerals and Waste Plan.
Clerk – email clerking hours and pay scales to councillorsMinutes of the January 14th 2016 Meeting.