Minutes of the Meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held on Thursday 8 July 2021 at 1930 in the Stutton Village Hall
Clerk: Mrs G Kitchen.
Email: clerkstuttonpc@gmail.com Tel: 07796 544404
Meetings are open to the press and public except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Press and public may not speak when the Council is in session.
Present: Cllr D Birchall (Chairman), Cllr P Spurrier (Vice-Chairman) Cllr C Heard, Cllr E Catt, County Cllr D Mackay.
3 members of the public were present.
Agenda items
210701. Welcome
Chairman welcomed councillors and visitors to the meeting; reminded visitors when comments may be made and that the public must not interrupt whilst the meeting is in progress.
210702. Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr E Collins and Clerk Mrs G Kitchen. Council resolved to accept the reasons.
210703. Declarations of interest
To receive and record any declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests. Councillors with any prejudicial interests must leave the meeting for the relevant item(s).
Cllr Spurrier declared an interest in Planning Application 2021/0750/HPA.
210704. Minutes of previous meeting
Councillors resolved to accept the 6 May minutes as an accurate record of the meeting and authorised the Clerk to sign them on behalf of the Chairman.
210705. Public Forum
To receive comments on agenda items and matters of community interest from electors present. For information only; clerk to note comments; no discussion between councillors and electors.
The MOPs present indicated that they hoped to be able to provide information about the developments in Green Lane.
210706. To receive reports from:
- County and District Councillors.
Cllr Mackay reported that
- the County Council was now moving ahead with weed killing and road repairs;
- a new community policeman was now in post and supported by a PCSO.
It was agreed to invite the new PC to an early meeting of the Council.
- Any other representatives – Police, CEF etc.
None present.
210707. RFO’s Report on current balances and payments
a) Current balances (to be dealt with at the meeting) as at 27 May 2021
Current account £14359.36
Investment account £10038.94
CIL balance £325.60
b) Payments made since last meeting
bi) K Tillett £450.00 cheque no. 000990
bii) G Kitchen May salary £204.25 cheque no. 000991
biii) HMRC £153.00 cheque no 000992
biv) G Kitchen Zoom subscription £14.39 cheque no. 000993
bv) G Kitchen June salary £204.25 cheque no. 000994
c) Payments to be made at this meeting.
ci) C.Heard, website renewal, £71.86 cheque no. 000995
d) Any other invoices received since agenda preparation.
di) Autela Payroll £52.20 cheque no. 001016
e) Council resolved to accept report and payments; RFO to initial bank sheets & invoices on behalf of the Chairman.
210708. RFO’s Report on the Governance and Accounting Statements 2020/21
The Internal Audit is now complete.
a) Council resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 and authorised the Chairman to sign it.
b) Council resolved to approve the Accounting Statements 2020/21 and authorised the Chairman to sign them.
210709. Planning
a) Applications received: Council to discuss and resolve comments on any applications received.
2021/0707/FUL – Erection of new double garage with driveway including adjustments to existing highways access to serve previously approved dwellinghouse at Land East of 15 Mill Lane, Stutton, Tadcaster.
The Council objects to this application and makes the following points:
- The Council has recently commented on application 2021/0687/S73 for this site. Has that application now been withdrawn?
- The application refers to a previously approved dwelling house. As that approval was granted over three years ago does it now require a new submission?
- The new garage some distance to the east of the village boundary and the new entrance even further to the east of the village boundary would result in a property of disproportionate size overshadowing the neighbouring bungalows.
- The new entrance is on a blind bend of a narrow lane with a 60 mph speed limit so that vehicles entering or leaving the property would constitute a serious hazard both for other traffic and pedestrians using the lane.
- The new entrance would be under flood water for several days every year.
2020/0771/HPA – Single storey side extension at The Barn, Low Park, Chantry Lane, Hazlewood, Tadcaster LS24 9NH.
No objection.
Cllr Spurrier absented himself for the following discussion.
2021/0750/HPA – Erection of single storey rear extension, and alterations to window forming a door at 20 Manor Road, Stutton, Tadcaster, LS24 9BN.
No objection.
Cllr Spurrier rejoined the meeting.
b) Applications considered electronically since the last meeting:
2021/0481/FUL Conversion of a barn into a 2 bedroom dwelling at Sugar Hill Farm, Wingate Hill, Stutton, Tadcaster, LS24 9NF.
The proposed development is within a green belt area. There are concerns regarding sustainability and that conversions of agricultural buildings for domestic purposes/residential property produce the associated trappings of domestic life which are not suitable or appropriate for the green belt area. There is for example no suggestion that this conversion is required for agricultural workers.
The council does not feel that this development should go ahead.
NY/2021/0098/A27 Application for the approval of details reserved by condition No’s 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 29 & 31 of Planning Permission Ref. No. C8/2009/1066/CPO which relates to details of schemes for the storage of materials, method of working, phasing of development and road and wheel cleaning facilities, a scheme which details the control of noise from HGV’s and fixed plant, a noise management plan, a scheme to deal with the management of risk associated with contamination of controlled waters, a verification report, a monitoring scheme for the monitoring of groundwater levels, a scheme for the management of surface and foul waters, a pre-commencement badger survey and a scheme detailing the provision of on-site parking/waiting for HGV’s at Jackdaw Crag Quarry, Moor Lane, Stutton, Tadcaster, LS42 9BH.
The Parish Council has reviewed this application and has a number of queries. We recognise that the original application and approval to which this refers must now be out time because of the delays consequent upon the court hearings involved and apologise if our concerns have been dealt with elsewhere.
This application states that work has already started and resubmits an unchanged timescale for the six phases running in annual stages from 2016 to 2022, Bearing in mind that the quarry was closed for a period in the interim this surely cannot be correct. What therefore is the proposed timescale and what is the approval limit for this application?
In addition we note that tHe original application showed a high pressure gas pipeline running through the site. Has this already been rerouted by National Grid or does it remain an outstanding issue?
Finally it seems unfortunate that the immediate neighbours have apparently not been reconsulted, in particular the occupants of Warren House Farm and Cottages, who will eventually find themselves living on the very edge of the new quarry face.
2021/0687/S73 Section 73 application to vary condition 09 (drawings) of approval 2015/0271/OUT Outline application with all matters reserved for erection of a single dwelling on land to the east of 15 Mill Lane, Stutton, Tadcaster, LS24 9BT granted on 16 June 2015.
The previous planning applications were reviewed and compared with the current amended plans and the changes discussed. The PC felt:
Access to the property from Mill Lane remains a concern, even with the amended access point.
There is a requirement for a turning circle at the property and this is not accommodated in the revised plans.
The extension of the property footprint brings the development closer to 15 Mill lane and has an overbearing impact on 15 Mill Lane.
The proposed facing material for the property is not in keeping with the neighbouring properties or the agreed Village Design Statement.
The additional ground covered by the development will further restrict the ability for water drainage and percolation through the ground, this is an area that floods frequently.
c) Decisions:
2020/1340/HPA Demolition of conservatory and replacement single storey rear and 2 storey side extension with repositioning of garage with new front wall and gate detail at Cherry Tree Cottage, Church Lane, Stutton, Tadcaster, LS24 9BH.
2021/0386/HPA Demolish existing conservatory and replace with single storey extension (amendments to previously approved planning application 2019/0505/HPA) at Wingate Hill Farm, Wingate Hill, Stutton, Tadcaster, LS24 9NF.
d) Selby District Council experiment of not notifying neighbours of planning applications:
The Parish Council has commented that:
This is a retrograde step, removing the opportunity for local people to become engaged in local developments relevant to them and their area.
The policy discriminates against those people with disability that may not have access to posted notices, eg due to sight, mobility, etc issues. This is at odds with the diversity and inclusion policy.
The PC has received complaints from neighbours who, under the current rules, had not been informed of local developments and as such have not had an opportunity to comment. This situation will get worse with the proposals to stop neighbour consultation.
210710. Matters ongoing since the last meeting
- Underpass lighting – the Clerk has just received a final red demand notice from debt collectors on behalf of NPower for £354.52 and threatening imminent disconnection. The Clerk was instructed to respond to the debt collectors and NPower reminding them of the recently agreed settlement with NPower, that the Council still awaited an updated MPAN for the underpass lighting, that the Council has still not received a contract from NPower, and that the Council has not received any invoice from NPower.
- Footpath to underpass – see correspondence at item 210711 – the Council agreed that it would not be appropriate to take responsibility for the ongoing maintenance of the footpath but that it would always act to remedy any immediate danger to pedestrians and cyclists.
- Speed limits – Clerk to contact Darren Griffiths at Highways Northallerton concerning details of his offer to install speed monitoring equipment (minute 210106). The intention would be to monitor speeds in mid-September in the stretch of Weedling Gate between the speed limit signs and the Church Crescent junction and also along Garnet Lane by the Garnet Terrace cottages.
- Mill Lane road markings – vehicles being parked in the passing place on Mill Lane that Highways incorrectly marked as a lay-by continue to cause a problem. Clerk to contact Highways and again request urgent action to rectify their error.
- Memorial Stone – an invoice for the installation of a plaque has been received from J Burns Memorials. Clerk to contact them to check that it properly refers to the installation of the bronze plaque requested by the Council.
- Website (accessibility regulations) – Cllr Heard had obtained proposals from three companies for the update and replacement of the Council’s website. After reviewing these it was decided that further discussions between councillors should take place with a view to making firm proposals to the September meeting. Meanwhile Cllr Heard would put an accessibility statement on the website.
- Telephone box – its use as a library is proving successful. Further work will be necessary to ensure that books are not damaged by condensation in the winter.
- Parish notice board – Cllr Spurrier is pursuing possibilities for improvement.
- Rural housing – the Rural Housing Enabler has arranged a Parish Walk to try to identify possible sites starting at 1030 on Tuesday 13 July. The point was made that any affordable housing agreed should remain as affordable housing if subsequently sold.
- Clerk’s IT equipment – ongoing.
- Crop in the field to the south of Fanny Lane – no problems caused following the recent heavy rain.
- Culvert on Weedling Gate – has been unblocked.
At this point standing orders were suspended so that MOPs present could contribute to the discussion.
- Caravans being occupied on Green Lane and septic tank on Green Lane – the MOPs stated that the two static caravans on Green Lane are there only as temporary accommodation whilst work proceeds on rebuilding Green Hedges. As soon as the house is ready for occupation the caravans will be removed. Meanwhile one caravan has been connected to a new septic tank installed in accordance with planning regulations which will serve the house when completed. The other caravan is connected to an old cess pit which will be filled in when work is completed. The owners indicated that the work is taking longer than they would wish and that they feel frustrated by perceived delays in dealing with SDC.
Members thanked the MOPs for coming to explain the position and wished them well in their endeavours. At this point standing orders were reinstated.
210711. Correspondence received
- Planting of tree to commemorate next year’s Royal Jubilee. – The Council was asked to consider supporting the Plant a Tree for the Jubilee campaign. Possible sites for a new tree might be the triangle at the end of Malt Kiln Terrace or the corner of Weedling Gate and Mill Lane. Cllr Spurrier and Cllr Catt agreed to prepare a leaflet for distribution to neighbours to canvas their views on the proposal.
- Email from MOP suggesting that the PC could take on the responsibility for the footpath permanently and ask Keith Tillett to cut the overhanging foliage regularly. – Discussed under item 210710 above.
- Renewal of subsidies for local bus services including the 492 and 495 Stutton services. – The new 492 service through Stutton village is a great improvement on previous services. The COVID restrictions would have reduced the numbers so far using the service but it was a valued resource for the village and the Woodlands Estate likely to be used increasingly in the future and NYCC should be encouraged to continue to subsidise it. Clerk to respond to NYCC accordingly.
- SINC survey of Moor Lane verges. – The Council has expressed its support for this survey.
210712. Village Hall
Report from Cllr Heard re Village Hall matters. – It is intended to reopen the Village Hall fully from 19 July. There has been some refurbishment in the interim and a new kitchen has been installed. Unfortunately there are vacancies on the Village Hall Committee and it was hoped that it might be possible to work with the Social Committee to address this.
The Social Committee hopes to hold a village celebration party on August Bank Holiday Sunday and members agreed that this would be supported by a donation of £100.
210713. New Standing Order 25
The Council adopted the following new standing order with immediate effect:
25: Action between meetings
a. The Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer after consultation with the Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman is empowered to do anything expedient and necessary to ensure the continuous business of the Council, and to deal with mandatory undertakings in order to prevent the authority from incurring liability.
b. In cases where the Parish Council is required to respond to external bodies between meetings, for example local planning applications, members may reach a consensus by informal communication including email, telephone or video conference, provided that any such decision is reported to the next scheduled meeting of the Council.
210714. Councillors’ Forum
a}To take any urgent points of community interest and/or concern from Councillors. No decisions may be taken at this meeting on any items raised here. Clerk to make notes for future reference.
b) Items for the next agenda. To take any points from Councillors for inclusion on the next agenda.
Cllr Heard raised concern that traffic approaching the village down Fanny Lane was unable to see a 30 mph sign until after rounding the corner into the village as the other is obscured by vegetation. Clerk to raise this issue once more with Highways.
210715. Further comments from the public
To receive any further comments on the meeting from electors present. – None.
210716. Date, time and place of next meeting
Council to agree date, time and place of next meeting. – Thursday 2 September 2021 at 1930 in the Village Hall.
210717. Closure of Part 1 of the Council meeting
Meeting closed at 2105.
Part 2
Members of the public and press are excluded from this part of the meeting.
No items for discussion.
Signed. Gill Kitchen, Clerk to Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council – 09/07/21