STUTTON CUM HAZLEWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held on 09 July 2020 at 19:30 via Zoom Video-conference
Clerk: Mrs G Kitchen.
Email: Tel: 07796 544404
Meetings are open to the press and public except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Press and public may not speak when the council is in session.
Present: Cllr D Birchall (Chairman), Cllr P Spurrier, Cllr C Heard, Cllr E Catt, Cllr D Mackay
Clerk/RFO: Mrs G Kitchen
No members of the public were present.
Agenda items
200701. Welcome
The Chairman welcomed councillors to the meeting.
200702. Apologies
To receive councillors’ apologies and reasons for absence; to resolve whether or not to accept the reasons. Apologies received from Cllr Grayson who is unable to attend due to work pressures. The council resolved to accept the apologies.
200703. Declarations of interest
To receive and record any declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests. Councillors with any prejudicial interests must leave the meeting for the relevant item(s). None declared
200704. Minutes of previous meeting
- Councillors to discuss and resolve whether or not to accept the 11 June minutes as an accurate record of the meeting.
- Chairman to sign the minutes if accepted.
The council resolved to accept the minutes and to be signed by clerk.
200705. Public Forum
To receive comments on agenda items and matters of community interest from electors present. No members of the public were present.
200706. To receive reports from:
- County and District Councillors. Cllr Mackay reported that routine maintenance such as drain clearing has been completed. Little to report on regards to planning, many of the decisions are being made at Executive level; a planning meeting took place this week. Cllr Spurrier asked for clarification on road markings on Mill Lane, just east of the bridge where a passing place is incorrectly marked up as a layby. Cllr Mackay agreed to check with the Highways representative.
- Any other representatives – Police, CEF etc. No other representatives were present.
200707. RFO’s Report on the Governance and Accounting Statements 2019/20
a) To consider and resolve approval of the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20. Chairman to sign if accepted. The Chairman signed as accepted.
b) To consider and resolve approval of the Accounting Statements 2019/20. Chairman to sign if accepted. Accepted and signed as approved.
200708. RFO’s Report on current balances and payments
a) Current balances (to be dealt with at the meeting) as at 27/06/2020
Current account £12388.10
Investment account £10034.62
CIL balance £325.60
b) Payments made since last meeting
c) Payments to be made at this meeting
ci) G Kitchen July Salary £193.37 cheque no. 000951
cii) G Kitchen (Zoom subscription) £14.39 cheque no. 000950
ciii) C Heard (website renewal) £71.86 cheque no. 000952
Ciii) Autela Payroll Services £64.01 cheque no 000953
d) Any other invoices received since agenda preparation. None.
e) Council to resolve whether or not to accept report and payments; RFO to initial bank sheets & invoices on behalf of the Chairman. Accepted by council and signed by RFO.
200709. Planning
Applications received: Council to discuss and resolve comments on any applications received.
2020/0630/FUL – Erection of an agricultural barn at White Smithy Farm, Paradise Lane Hazlewood. Cllr Mackay advised to base the discussion on the original application. The original observation had been a no comment from the council. It was discussed how a loss of view is not a legal basis for objecting to the building of an agricultural building on agricultural land. The council resolved to have no further observations.
Applications considered electronically since the last meeting:
Appeal considered electronically since the last meeting:
APP/N2739/W/20/3251897 – Refusal of proposed erection of a replacement dwelling at Peggy Ellerton Farm Chantry Lane Hazlewood Tadcaster North Yorkshire LS24 9NH.
Parish Council has no additional comments to submit.
None received at time of agenda preparation.
200710. Action taken since the last meeting by the Clerk
- Underpass – still no resolution, it was resolved for the clerk to draft a letter to the Ombudsman and circulate to the council for consideration.
- Speed limits – response received from Highways which essentially said that no action was required. Cllr Birchall had circulated some questions to be considered for taking further. Weedling Gate speeding is considered to be an important issue, as is the Weedling Gate/Church Crescent junction. The council considered and resolved to offer to take part in a further Speedwatch campaign. Highways have also disputed the need for a “20 is plenty” signage as being confusing to drivers. Re-siting of the 30MPH signage on Malt Kiln Terrace has also been disputed by Highways. Reduction of the speed limit on Garnett Lane has also not been accepted by Highways – something that the parish council disputes. Cllr Mackay to contact Highways and request feedback on this road. Agreed that the area is not safe particularly regarding the number of cottages whose front doors exit on to the narrow road with no pavement plus allotment access. The council remains concerned regarding safety issues. Action clerk to respond accordingly to Highways.
- Dog fouling – letter from resident – clerk has written to the resident as agreed.
- Memorial Stone – awaiting costing.
200711. Action taken since the last meeting by Councillors
- Website (accessibility regulations) Cllr Heard has installed the extension and has been updating the software, backing everything up as he progresses through the process. He requests permission to continue in updating and checking compatibility issues. Resolved for Cllr Heard to continue.
- Telephone box – ongoing.
- Parish notice board- ongoing.
- Bus services- everything appears to be on hold until lockdown has ended.
- Rural housing – ditto.
200712. Correspondence received
New model code of conduct for local councils – consultation by the LGA. Circulated by the clerk for comment. The council resolved to accept the new model as drafted.
190713. Village Hall
Report from Cllr Heard re Village Hall matters. The village Hall is still closed and options are being considered. While this is happening, the committee is endeavouring to complete outstanding tasks such as the asbestos survey.
200714. Councillors’ Forum
a}To take any urgent points of community interest and/or concern from Councillors. No decisions may be taken at this meeting on any items raised here. Clerk to make notes for future reference.
b) Items for the next agenda. To take any points from Councillors for inclusion on the next agenda.
Cllr Spurrier’s point regarding signage in the Mill Lane passing places was noted.
Cllr Mackay to contact landowner regarding cutting back of foliage blocking the footpath on Stutton Road.
200715. Further comments from the public
To receive any further comments on the meeting from electors present. No MOPs present.
200716. Date, time and place of next meeting
Council agreed date, time and place of next meeting. 7.30p.m. Thursday 3 September 2020.
200717. Closure of Part 1 of the Council meeting – 20.30
Part 2
Members of the public and press are excluded from this part of the meeting.
No part 2 items.
G.Kitchen clerk/RFO 17/07/20.