Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held at 19.45 hrs on Thursday, 14th November 2013 at Stutton Village Hall
Present:- Cllr. Fawcett (Chair), Cllr. Aarons, Cllr. Wrigglesworth, Cllr Birchall, Cllr. Heard.
Clerk – H Fothergill
also present NYCC Cllr. Metcalfe, Mr K.Tillet
Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Chairman asked Mr Tillet if he wished to address the Parish Council.
Mr Tillet asked if he could be sent an affordable housing need survey/questionnaire in consideration of his circumstances, being that he is a landowner in the Village but is not resident in the Parish or on the electoral role of Selby District Council.
This has arisen following visit by Sarah Hall (Rural Housing Enabler at Selby Council) who previously addressed the Parish Council (MOM 12th September 2013) advising that an unnamed landowner in the Parish had contacted her with regard to establishing an affordable housing need survey. The Parish council has now been advised that Sarah Hall is no longer in this role, and have yet to hear anymore regarding any affordable housing need survey/questionnaire.
The Parish Council confirmed that they would try to ascertain if Mr. Tillet would be eligible to receive and complete a housing need survey/questionnaire, if such a questionnaire should ever be sent to residents of the Parish.
13108 APOLOGIES – None
13109 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Cllr Birchall declared a prejudicial interest in relation to item 13114.1 (a)
13110 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS – The minutes of the ordinary Parish Council meeting held 10th October 2013 having been read, were signed as a true record.
No reports this month
13112 VILLAGE HALL AND GROUNDS – Chairman had reviewed and signed R & P accounts for Village Hall to September 2103, and had returned books back to Clerk.
13113.1 Parish Council Account
13113.2 Village Hall Account
Chairman initialled all Bank statements and Invoices
13113.3 Budget 2012/2013. Summary of Receipts and Payments September 2013 had been circulated to members of the Parish Council .The Parish Council agreed that savings had been made by securing competitive quotes for grass cutting and insurance, with some of these savings used to help the successful establishment of the website. Forecast year-end spending indicated that there would be at best a minimal surplus balance, with the council agreeing that no additional projects could be funded this year. With regard to the Precept review, various documents and correspondence had been received, with NYCC Councillor Metcalfe to forward further details to assist Precept request. Clerk to review documents and report to next meeting.
13113.4 Anti Money Laundering records. Councillors completed outstanding personal information which will be returned as requested by Nat West Bank
13113.5 Renewal of Grass cutting Contract – Parish Council agreed to contact Living Landscapes and offer renewal of the grass-cutting contract for year 2014/15, under existing terms 13114 PLANNING–
13114.1 The following applications (2) were discussed: –
Proposed single storey & two storey extension to front side and rear elevation, to form new kitchen /dining/family room; drawing room and internal remodelling – Derryvene, Brant Lane, Stutton.
Having declared a prejudicial interest in relation to this item, Cllr Birchall left the room and returned to the meeting prior to the commencement of item 130114.2.
The Parish Council reviewed the plans and documents as submitted but had difficulty in relating some of the details to their recollection of the existing structures. It was agreed that they would take a look at the site, with any observations to be reported back via the Chairman who would request the Clerk to forward agreed comments on to the Planning officer.
130114.2 Action: To note the following granted planning decisions: –
a). Proposed 2 storey side extension – 1 St Aidans Walk, Stutton, Tadcaster.
Granted – first floor window in south elevation to be fitted with obscure galzing for the lifetime of the development.
b) Construction of new construction access from Moor lane (C305) in association with adjacent overhead electricity line works. Upon completion of overhead line works, to realign and permanently retain the access for domestic purposes. – Red Brickhouse Farm, Moor Lane, Stutton.
Refused – not appropriate development in the open countryside in accordance with policy SP2, Access considered to have detrimental impact on character and form of undisturbed open fields and no improvement to social and economic conditions and does not comply with development plan.
Cllr Fawcett had suggested that sequential information by date (including planning information) to be accessed on the website with latest details displayed first, rather than having older information at the top. Cllr Birchall agreed that he would update the website accordingly.
Email received re website from “Names” – re domain/hosting, requesting fees for their services, which had been dealt with by Cllr Heard who stated that he would investigate and progress development of systems and cost /payments for additional services up to three years.
13116 HEDGE AT BEECH TREE CROSSROADS – JUNCTION Chairman reported on meeting with traffic Management Control Engineer (north yorks) re investigation into measures for safety improvement at this junction. Although no improvements were agreed at the time, the Parish council will ask if a double line stop with sign, or a similar arrangement could be placed at the bottom of Moor Hill, thus stopping traffic as it approaches this blind junction. The Parish Council also stated that they would ask if “no through road” signs could be sited to mitigate “Rat Run” traffic driving from Moor lane to the London road (A162).
13117 20-MILE PER HOUR SPEED LIMIT WITHIN VILLAGE- Chairman reported on meeting with traffic Management Control Engineer (north yorks) re proposed reduced speed limit, stating that speed monitors could be placed at various locations within the village, to monitor mean/average speeds, subject to a request by resident/s relating to this problem.
13118 FENCING AROUND BEECH TREE – Chairman reported on meeting with traffic Management Control Engineer (north yorks) re proposed fence around Beech Tree with Management Control Engineer stating that due to the close proximity of the tree to the existing road, no fence would be allowed.
13119 AFFORDABLE HOUSING SURVEY– Update contained in details as outlined prior to commencement of meeting as recorded above.
13120 BUS SERVICES– Parish Council discussed correspondence and proposed actions relating NYCC reductions to bus services. Clerk to forward proposal as prepared by Councillor Birchall, suggesting cost effective regular bus times moving away from the proposed limited sporadic service.
13121 URGENT BUSINESS BETWEEN MEETINGS – Councillor Birchall outlined proposals, with Parish Council agreeing to request that councillors and residents should contact SCD, NYCC, other authorities, companies and other residents – alerting them of any action requiring urgent attention. Clerk to be notified ASAP, but this should not delay any action that requires immediate response.
13122 LEAK OF HYDRAULIC OIL FROM COUNCIL REFUSE WAGON – Parish Council reviewed what happened, reasons and responses. Clerk confirmed that following a leak of hydraulic oil SDC had sent a clean up wagon to Green Lane to try to remove the main oil leak. Parish Council emailed SDC complaining about leaks in other areas of the village asking for explanations. SDC responded stating inspections had been undertaken and offering reasons for the spillage – amounting to a failure that occurs from time to time.
13123 KERB AND DRAIN GRATE COVERS AT THE BOTTOM OF FANNY LANE – Clerk reported a complaint from a resident that a kerb and two drain grates are blocked by undergrowth, resulting in excessive water running down Malt Kiln Terrace during heavy rains. SDC have been informed and the work placed on their inspection/repairs plan.
13124. REVISED MODEL STANDING ORDERS – Councillor Birchall to review and report to next meeting.
13125 CORRESPONDENCE – The following items of correspondence received/ actioned: –
Letter / Leaflet Changing the way we deal with waste recycling centres – NYCC
War memorial trust – Preservation
SDC –District Core Strategy Local Plan Adoption
Tadcaster Town Council – Newsletter
13126 CORRESPONDENCE – The following items of correspondence were received since preparation of Agenda: –
a) Clerk & Councils Direct
b) Rural action Yorkshire – Meeting 23/10/13 –Village Hall at centre Community – details
c) SDC – Polling Station- European Parliament Election – Letter re change of date for requirement to use Village Hall – now 22/05/13. Playgroup have been advised of change.
d) Notice from SDC Panning dept – Erection of a dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling – Peggy Ellerton Farm, Chantry Lane, Hazlewood – Withdrawn
Parish council to review, discuss and agree meeting dates prior to next meeting
13129 The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Thursday, 12th December 2013 at 7.30 pm.
Part II
No items.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 21.15 hrs.