Meeting 8 of 2012/2013
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held at
1930 hrs on Thursday, 11th October 2012 at Stutton Village Hall
Present:- Cllr Aarons, Cllr Back, Cllr Birchall (Chair; parts) Cllr Fawcett (Chair),
Cllr Wrigglesworth, Clerk
Also Present:- M Brennan, Project Manager National Grid; E Pattinson, Community Relations National Grid; C Jarvis, Contract Consensus Officer National Grid
Representatives from National Grid addressed the Parish Council regarding permission granted by the Secretary of State for work to commence to reinforce the electricity transmission system at Bramham substation. Work will commence in January 2013 and will be completed by 2015 with work in this parish being undertaken in 2014. There is only one tower in Stutton parish which will be replaced by a new tower. Traffic routes to utilize existing farm accesses. Cllr Aarons requested that consideration be given to students’ safety from Tadcaster Grammar walking to/from bus stop. National Grid noted this. There was no further discussion and National Grid were thanked for attending the meeting and left at 1950 hrs.
Cllr Fawcett wished to address the council as a member of the public regarding planning application at White Quarry Farm and Cllr Birchall took the Chair. Mrs Fawcett outlined the resubmission of planning application which had been withdrawn after local landowner objected to it due to its “openness of green belt”. Application has been resubmitted for an open air arena in a different location within property curtilage. There was no further discussion and Mrs Fawcett was thanked for her comments. Cllr Birchall returned the Chair to Cllr Fawcett at 2000 hrs.
Part I began at 2000 hrs.
12074 APOLOGIES – No apologies.
12075 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Fawcett declared personal interest in item 7.1 (2).
12076 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – The minutes of the meeting held on
13th September approved.
a) Utley Electrical asked to repair underpass lighting.
b) NYCC Highways had replaced turf outside Stutton Gates, Malt Kiln Terrace. Clerk had received thank you from Mr Schofield.
12078 VILLAGE HALL AND GROUNDS – Clerk to contact David Baines to firm up date for repair works.
12079.1 Parish Council Account
Sep 2012 | Selby DC – 2nd precept | £3,750.00 |
£3,7500 |
11/10/12 | 000653 | H P Smith |
£125.67 |
£125.67 |
11/10/12 | 000654 | HMRC |
£31.40 |
£31.40 |
11/10/12 | 000655 | Living Landscapes |
£176.00 |
£176.00 |
12079.2 Village Hall Account Receipts
Nil |
Nil |
12079.3 Half Year Accounts. Prepared and issued to Councillors. Resolved: Chair to check accounts books and approve at November’s meeting.
12079.4 Budget Requirements. Discussion about financial requirements of website and gardening contract. It was resolved that Living Landscapes should be asked to continue with the grass cutting for the next year although it was agreed that the service was a little below par but recognized the bad weather conditions contributed. It was anticipated that a quality service would be provided next year. Discussion about possibility of a volunteer tending the village sign.
12079.5 Selby DC Parish Precept Request. Discussion regarding the number of Band D properties being 385 and precept requirements for next year. Resolved: To put on November’s agenda that Precept for next financial year will be discussed and agreed.
12080.1 The following Planning Applications resolved (2):-
- Single storey extension to rear of dwelling and extension and alterations to garage at 8 Woodlands Avenue, Tadcaster. No objections.
- Cllr Fawcett left the room at 2030 hrs. Cllr Birchall assumed the Chair. Creation of a new riding arena (revised scheme) at White Quarry Farm, Chantry Lane, Hazlewood. No objections.
Cllr Fawcett returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair at 2039 hrs.
12080.2 The following Planning Decision noted (1):-
- Amendment to access road with new package treatment plant at Station House, Weedling Gate, Stutton. Granted (8 Conditions). Resolved: It was resolved that Clerk should write to Selby DC expressing disappointment at none of the concerns raised by parish council/residents/District Councillor were considered and requesting that District Council ensured that the conditions were complied with.
12081 PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE – Cllr Back stated that he was waiting for the domain name to be transferred. Cllr Birchall asked if the council had been satisfied with the proforma he had prepared. It was agreed that the proforma was fit for purpose and Clerk to liaise with Nikki Readman.
12082 LITTER BINS – Cllr Wrigglesworth surprised at cost of bins and upon investigation it was felt that people used the dog waste bins. Resolved: To hold in abeyance until the underpass footpath work undertaken and address the issue again at that date.
12083 NATIONAL GRID – Discussion following earlier presentation. It was resolved that no further action required.
12084 BOUNDARY COMMISSION – Cllr Back detailed the implications the boundary changes could have upon Stutton parish including loss of finance if parish wards are re-drawn and election of one representative instead of two. Parish Council will be consulted on these issues. Resolved: Cllr Back was thanked for outlining the potential changes.
12085 CALENDAR OF MEETINGS 2013 – Resolved: Meetings for 2013 approved in line with constitution.
12086 CORRESPONDENCE: – The following correspondence was actioned:-
- Western Area Community Engagement Forum requesting details of projects. Resolved:Cllr Back to challenge their enquiry.
- SELRAP – Resolved: Cllr Back taken for interest only.
- Finalise precept requirement from Selby District Council
The following items of correspondence received since preparation of the agenda:-
- Letter from Mr and Mrs Hainsworth, Hill Top Farm, seeking permission to “annually erect a large Christmas tree on grassed junction of Church Crescent and Malt Kiln Terrace”. Discussion and it was resolved that Clerk respond stating that it was a nice idea but that there were a number of practical issues that needed addressing before the parish council could give it proper consideration.
- Leeds Strategic Housing Assessment – Cllr Back wished to make the parish council aware that Leeds City Council were undertaking a Strategic Housing Assessment and that the parish council may be consulted in the future about possible housing development adjoining the parish boundary. Resolved: No further action required.
12088 The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council confirmed as Thursday, 8th November 2012 at 7.30 pm.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 2129 hrs.