MINUTES OF STUTTON CUM HAZLEWOOD PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Thursday 12th October 2017 at 19:30 in the Stutton Village Hall.
Chairman: Cllr Mrs T Fawcett
Clerk: Mrs S Loaring. Molmill, Malt Kiln Terrace, Stutton, Tadcaster LS249SF
Telephone: 01937 339197. Email Clerkstuttonpc@gmail.com
Present: Cllr T Fawcett, Cllr P Spurrier Cllr C Heard, Cllr Kent
Clerk – S Loaring
One member of the public.
Apologies: Cllr David Birchall
All present signed the attendance book.
Agenda items
171001. Welcome
The Chairman welcomed Councillors and public to the meeting.
171002. Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests.
170103. Public Forum
One member of the public was present and commented that Highways had cut the grass verges on Moor Lane currently being protected by the Wildlife Trust.
Council discussed and resolved to contact Cllr Mackay to communicate with Highways that it is a protected verge.
171004. Apologies
Apologies were received from David Birchall who was on holiday.
The council resolved to accept the apologies.
171005. Minutes of previous meeting
Councillors discussed and resolved to accept the 7th September minutes as an accurate record of the meeting. The Chairman signed the accepted minutes.
171006. To receive reports from
1 Chairman – activities since the last meeting
COUNCILLOR VACANCY- There was one application for consideration from Mr Kent. There were no objections to Mr Kent’s appointment and it was resolved in Part 2 of the meeting held on 7th September 2017 that Mr Kent be invited to fill position. Mr Kent accepted and formally signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office in front of Proper Officer and other council members. Mr Kent was given Register of Interests to complete and return before November’s meeting. It was resolved that Clerk would notify Monitoring Officer at Selby DC.
2 NY County Councillor – No report.
3 SD Councillor – No report.
4 Any other representatives – Police, CEF etc – No report.
5 Progress reports – to give updates on ongoing projects –
Cllr Birchall provided an email with comments for the meeting read by Cllr Spurrier.
Chris Morris from Stutton Social Committee after their AGM on 19 October.
Council resolved that a hub was a good idea.
Council resolved to pay Cllr Spurrier for the bulbs obtained last year. £50.
171007. RFO’s report on current balances and payments
a) Current balances
The Current Account statement balance £15,101.01 Statement 27 July to 27 Sept 2017
£2093.32 Business Account as at 27 March 2017.
b) Payments made since last meeting
£50 to Stutton Social Committee for bulb planting contribution Cheque No. 000820.
c) Payments to be made at this meeting
£50 to Jon Davies for IT support in fixing Parish Council website Cheque No. 000821.
d) Other invoices received since agenda preparation
· Keith Tillett £2010 for grass cutting – including additional cut to grass along the path through the Underpass under the A64. Cheque No. 000822.
e) Payments received since the last meeting – None.
f) Council resolved to accept report and payments. The Chairman initialled the bank statement.
171008. Planning
i) Applications received:
2017/0890/FUL Alt Ref 8/70/73J/PA
Retention of existing access track at Red Brickhouse Farm, Moor Lane Stutton
DEADLINE for comments 18 October 2017
Parish Council discussed and resolved to make no comment except that this is outside the Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Boundary.
ii) Decisions received:
Proposed erection of replacement dwelling at Peggy Ellerton Farm, Chantry Lane, Hazlewood – REFUSED.
iii) Update on planning issues:
The Parish Council discussed the SDC planning consultation regarding proposed residential development sites and consultation on land bordering Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council.
The Parish Council resolved tocomment that it would be difficult to support development of this land given infrastructure, sustainability, Green Belt and Accessibility issues.
Church Lane site within the Parish – the Parish Council discussed the proposed site and resolved to comment that it is difficult to see how this site could be viable based on the proximity of the public footpath and access issues to the site.
171009. Speedwatch and 20isPlenty campaign
Cllr Spurrier –confirmed he is receiving updates from the 20 is Plenty Campaign. The Parish Council resolved to take this item off the agenda and received updates from Cllr Spurrier when they were available.
171010. Buses serving Stutton Village
Cllr Birchall had written to Mary Welch at NYCC but received no response. It was resolved that on his return he should pursue the matter further.
171011. Speeding on Garnet Lane
The Parish Council discussed the lack of support from Highways. It was resolved that the Clerk should contact Cllr Mackay to follow up with Highways on behalf of the Parish Council.
171012 Grass cutting on verges where rare wild flowers are found
Following a comment by a member of the public that the latest cut to the protected verge has been done by Highways the Parish Council discussed and resolved that Clerk should notify Cllr Mackay and the Police officer working on behalf of the Wildlife Trust.
171013. Update on dog poo bins
The Clerk has forwarded a map of the locations to SDC, however, has been unable to obtain final costs for installation.
The Parish Council resolved to pick this up at the next meeting.
171014. Phone Box Adoption update
No progress to report. It was felt that a broader group of people would benefit the project.
Cllr Spurrier suggested it be raised at the next Social Committee meeting.
171015. Underpass
Lighting – it was discussed and resolved to report to Npower that the lights had stopped working six weeks before the new light fitting was installed and therefore the new bill based on low wattage should be calculated from this date.
Kissing Gates – it was discussed and resolved to send Cllr Mackay a request for support in establishing whether gates were necessary and if cycles are permitted on the path leading to the underpass under the A64.
171016. Banking update
The Clerk advised that the reason for the delay was that the new Clerk’s details should be sent to the Bank to avoid necessary confusion in setting up the accounts.
171017. Tipping on Moor Lane
It was discussed and resolved that the area had improved and the Village Litter pick on Sunday 15th would also help in clearing away any smaller items of rubbish.
The Parish Council resolved to request Cllr Mackay ask for additional support from Highways in maintaining the cleanliness of this hot spot.
171018. Freeman of the Parish
It was discussed and resolved that Cllr Spurrier would draft a letter outlining the reasons for bestowing the honour.
171019. Update on Clerk’s replacement
· Cllr Fawcett advised the Parish Council that person appointed as Clerk had withdrawn their acceptance. It was discussed and resolved to re contact the unsuccessful candidate as she was also a strong candidate for the role.
· As a contingency the Parish Council resolved to contact the YLCA register of temporary Clerks, the previous temporary Clerk and to re advertise the position.
171020. Correspondence received
1 Notification that NYCC Permit Consultation have rescheduled implementation of parking permits to February 2018.
2 Response from SDC re fly tipping – complaint passed to relevant department to action.
3 Various bus updates following Utopia collapse.
4 Request for Registration number for Village Hall if available Charity Commission number.
5 Request for contribution to bulb planting from Stutton Social Committee.
6 Notice of Consultation for designation of a Neighbourhood Area Escrick and Brayton.
7 Information from YLCA on Training opportunities.
8 Keith Tillett re Grass Cutting quotation for additional cut for hedges along underpass path. DONE
9 Rough Sleeper estimate for Selby District. RESPOND None.
10 Pool of sites Consultation email from Selby District Council Deadline 27 Nov (forwarded to PC).
11 Communication with Unmetered Supplies regarding underpass.
12 Announcement that Bulb Planting is on 15th October.
13 Request for Insurance documents from SVHC.
14 Freedom of information request.
171021. Action taken since last meeting under clerk’s delegated powers
The Clerk responded to an email received from SVHC.
The Clerk responded to a request for bulbs for the bulb planting by the Stutton Social Committee.
171022. Village Hall
1. Cllr Heard provided an update on the Village Hall.
• The negotiation with Playgroup is ongoing.
• Hire rates have been discussed and agreed but not yet published.
• The SVHC are pursuing a claim for water damage.
• Grant applications are being made to cover costs of some of the village hall improvements.
• There is a request for tables and chairs belonging to Cllr Fawcett be removed.
• Request SVHC be published on website.
2 The Parish Council requested that the minutes of meetings be supplied so they can be published with other meeting minutes. It was resolved that Cllr Heard will make the request at the next SVHC meeting.
3 The Parish Council discussed the payment of £160 to cover grass cutting at the Village Hall and resolved to pay this on behalf of the SVHC as a gesture of good will for this year.
The Parish Council discussed and resolved that now the SVHC has taken responsibility for the Village Hall that it now the responsibility of the SVHC to maintain its grounds.
Cllr Heard will feed back to the Stutton Village Hall Committee.
171023. Councillors’ Forum
a) To take any urgent points of community interest and/or concern from Councillors.
1. The Parish Council discussed and resolved to contribute £100 to the Fireworks for the Bonfire night organised by Stutton Social Committee.
2. Cllr Fawcett wished to thank the Clerk for her contribution at this her final meeting.
b) Items for the next agenda
No additional items were requested.
170924. To receive any further comments on the meeting from electors present
A member of the public requested that a letter be written to SDC and NYCC Planning and Highways departments expressing disappointment at the level of incompetence and lack of support experienced at Parish Council level.
It was discussed and resolved that this letter be written before the next meeting.
The member of the public commented that he trimmed trees along the path to the underpass but that these hedges should have a tress surgeon evaluate them as they are now very tall.
Council to establish ownership of the fields bordering the path and resolved to obtain quotations from tree surgeons.
171025. Date, time and place of the next meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 9th November at 7.30pm in Stutton Village Hall.
171026. Closure of Part 1 of the council meeting
The meeting closed at 21.17.
Part 2 Members of the public and press are excluded from this part of the meeting.
No items.
Signed……………………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………………….