Minutes of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 13th October 2016 at 19:30 in the Stutton Village Hall
Chairman: Cllr Mrs T Fawcett
Clerk: Mrs S Loaring. Molmill, Malt Kiln Terrace, Stutton, Tadcaster LS249SF
Telephone: 01937 339197. Email Clerkstuttonpc@gmail.com
Present: Cllr T Fawcett Cllrs C Heard; S Wrigglesworth.
Clerk – S Loaring; one member of the public
Apologies: Cllr P Spurrier Cllr Birchall
All present signed the attendance book
Village Hall
Village Hall Report:
Rachel Rose has tendered her resignation from the Village Hall. Council would like to thank Rachel for all her dedication and hard work over the last years.
The PC is hopeful that the Social Committee will take on the management of the Village Hall.
The Playgroup lease is due for renewal and will be looked at by the Parish Council as a matter of course
Village Hall feedback
There have been a number of events held at the Village Hall recently which have received feedback over the availability of space and clearance of the Hall.
AED training event, Macmillan Coffee afternoon did not have a full clear of the Hall.
A letter was received by the Parish Council expressing disappointment at the clearance of the hall before a planned event.
Some private parties have left the Hall in an unsatisfactory state
The PC will look to implement the right to charge extra if the Hall is left untidy after events/parties as this creates much work for all regular users of the Hall.
Playgroup was asked to remove a permanent sign attached to the wall
The Council discussed recent issues highlighted and resolved to invite representatives from the Social committee, Playgroup and the Parish Council to an informal meeting to address recent feedback over the use of the Village Hall. This is aimed at clarifying any misunderstandings and to work together to improve our community resource collectively. The suggested date of 30th October at 3.30PM will be circulated.
P&L circulated electronically before the meeting
Agenda items
161001. Welcome
The Chairman welcomed Councillors and public to the meeting.
161002. Declarations of interest
On behalf of Cllr Birchall – in Planning application for Brante House
161003. Public Forum
One member of the pubic was present.
1. Grass cutting
The person responsible for grass cutting would like clarification on exactly what cutting schedule he should follow.
Council discussed and resolved to review his contract details to establish this including areas where wildflowers are growing.
The Council resolved to write to a local resident requesting he does not cut the verges at specific times.
The Council discussed and resolved to request a formal Management Plan for the verges so this can be circulated as part of the request that the cutting regime be a managed process.
2. Planning Appeal
The member of the public commented that his Appeal to Selby District Council to reject putting a traveller site on his land was successful; and that his site was only included on the list of possible sites as there were a lack of alternative options put forward.
161004. Apologies
Cllr Metcalfe – on holiday
Cllr D Birchall – in France on pre planned holiday
Cllr P Spurrier – Work commitments
No apology received from Cllr Mackay
161005. Minutes of previous meeting
Councillors discussed and resolved to accept the 8th September minutes as an accurate record of the meeting.
The Chairman signed the accepted minutes.
161006. To receive reports from
i) Chairman – activities since the last meeting – No report.
ii) NY County Councillor – Chris Metcalfe – No report.
iii) SD Councillor – Don Mackay – No report.
iv) Any other representatives – Police, CEF etc – No report.
v) Progress reports – to give updates on ongoing projects
1. Cllr SW gave a report on Underpass – lights have been reinstated.
2. As current ownership of the Underpass is in dispute the Council resolved to tell Highways England that the Council will undertake the work and to bill Highways England for works completed.
3. Council discussed quotation of £410 to repair slabs under benches and resolved to accept the quotation. Clerk to confirm to K.Tillett to proceed with the works.
4. Reports received that motorbikes and horses are using the path. Council resolved to ask Gary Lumb if the kissing gates at each end of the underpass can be reinstated.
5. Cllr Wrigglesworth reported that the bin will be reinstated.
161007. RFO’s report on current balances and payments
a) Current balances
The Current Account statement balance £15866.96
£2093.12 (Business Account)
b)Payments made
c)Payments made at this meeting
Clerk’s salary
£229.32 (September) Cheque No 000789
£36.00 PKF Littlejohn LLP (Audit received) Cheque No 000790
£1435.00 Keith Tillett Grass Cutting Cheque No 000791
d)Other invoices received since agenda preparation
Village Hall £30
e) Payments received since the last meeting – None
f) Visit to bank with Cllr Fawcett and Clerk to be confirmed. To address frequency of statements, address
and look into Internet Banking for the Parish Council.
161008. Planning
Applications received:
i) 2016/1117/OUT8/203C/PA – 15 Mill Lane – Response required by 15 October
Cllr Heard will respond to this application incorporating comments received by Cllrs Birchall and Spurrier.
ii) 2016/1055/HPA8/70/40N/PA – Brante House
Declaration of Interest received by Cllr Birchall
The Council discussed the application and resolved to make no objections
Decisions received:
Jackdaw Quarry C8/2009/1066/CPO Extension of mineral extraction at Jackdaw Quarry
The Council discussed the decision and resolved to report that it was disappointed that this had passed in September 2015.
Update on planning issues: There were no updates on planning.
161009. Flag pole
The Council would like to thank Cllr Wrigglesworth for putting the flag pole up.
Correspondence was received from resident Mr Steve Selway requesting consultation on the location of the flagpole and requesting that it be re sited.
Mr Selway wrote and formally thanked the Council for its swift action in relocating the flagpole.
161010. Bulb planting
Cllr Spurrier provided an update in writing in his absence.
Over 40 attended on 2 October to plant bulbs in our Village.
The event was deemed a success.
Cllr Spurrier suggested the adoption of an area of the village for further bulb planting. The Council discussed and resolved that this be a Social Committee issue and resolved to recommend this to the Social Committee to take forward.
161011. Speedwatch
Cllr DB to continue to update the Council at the next meeting – Gary Lumb to be contacted.
161012. Defibrillator
Cllr Suprrier provided an update in writing in his absence.
The Council would like to thank all those involved in the AED training with over 30 villagers attended over the morning
The Council has the opportunity to Adopt the phone box in the village and the Council discussed the potential to site the Defibrillator in the phone box. Further investigation is necessary.
161013 Website update
Cllr CH nothing to update. Still waiting for a meeting with IT contact on ways to improve the website via CMS.
161014 Speeding on Garnet Lane
Verges have been cut to help visibility but hedges are still very overgrown. Council discussed and resolved for Cllr SW to speak to relevant land owners to get hedges cut to improve visibility.
Cllr Metcalfe to speak to Gary Lumb to get pedestrian access put in.
No further action since the last meeting however, the member of the public present commented that trees from the front gardens of houses on Garnet Lane were overhanging the road and also impacting visibility.
161015 Grass cutting on verges where rare wild flowers are found
Verges are still being cut. Council to write to local resident thought to be cutting the grass and provide a Management Plan for the verges.
161016 Document Review
A Review to take place at the next meeting.
161017 Dog Poo bins
Cllr Wrigglesworth will have the bin by the underpass reinstated.
161018 Grass Cutting
The current Grass cutting contract has expired. Clerk to look out the old contract and circulate it for comment before recommending any amendments from Councillors.
161019 Councillor’s Forum
Underpass lighting update – new lights are working.
161020 Correspondence received
1. Update on wild flowers on verges near Garnet Lane.
2. Fly Tipping – Towton Parish Council have requested signage via SDC.
3. Flagpole – A request to move the flagpole followed by a formal thanks from one resident.
4. Mrs Lynsey Wrigglesworth wrote to highlight issues when renting the Village Hall.
5. CIL Statement – forwarded to Councillors.
6. Correspondence from BT and adopting the Phone box.
161021. Action taken since the last meeting under the clerk’s delegated powers
Quotations for dog poo bins.
Liaison with Towton Parish Council re Fly Tipping notices.
161022. Councillors’ Forum
a)To take any urgent points of community interest and/or concern from councillors. No decisions may be taken at this meeting on any items raised here. Clerk to make notes for future reference
Parking in front of bungalows on the other side of A64
Adoption of the village phone box from BT
b) Items for the next agenda
Poo bin update
Grass cutting
Fly tipping on Mill Lane – update
Document Review
BT Phone box adoption
Parish Council, Social Committee and Playgroup meeting
161023. To receive any further comments on the meeting from electors present
161024 Date, time and place for the next meeting.
10th November 7.30PM in the Village Hall.
161025. Closure of the council meeting
The meeting closed at 9.00
Part 2
There was no Part 2 to the meeting.
Signed……………………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………………….
Action points from the meeting
Meeting date to be circulated
Grass Cutting contract to be circulated
Confirmation of go ahead for slabs under benches to be given
BT Phonebox consultation