Minutes of the Meeting of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council held on 03 September2020 at 19:30 via Zoom Video-conference.
Clerk: Mrs G Kitchen.
Email: Tel: 07796 544404
Meetings are open to the press and public except for any item labelled as Part 2 under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
Press and public may not speak when the council is in session.
Present: Cllr D Birchall (Chairman), Cllr P Spurrier, Cllr C Heard, Cllr E Catt, Cllr D Mackay
Clerk/RFO: Mrs G Kitchen
No members of the public were present.
Agenda items
200901. Welcome
Chairman welcomed councillors to the meeting; there were no visitors to the meeting.
200902. Apologies
To receive councillors’ apologies and reasons for absence; to resolve whether or not to accept the reasons. Cllr Grayson has reluctantly tendered her resignation due to work pressures. The council expressed regret that Cllr Grayson has had to do this but fully accepted her resignation. The council expressed thanks for all the hard work carried out by Cllr Grayson and action clerk to write a letter of thanks.
200903. Declarations of interest
To receive and record any declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests. Councillors with any prejudicial interests must leave the meeting for the relevant item(s). Cllr Birchall declared an interest as a near neighbour to the planning development off Green Lane proposed below.
200904. Minutes of previous meeting
- Councillors to discuss and resolve whether or not to accept the 9 July minutes as an accurate record of the meeting.
- All accepted and it was resolved that the clerk sign the minutes on behalf of the Chairman.
200905. Public Forum
To receive comments on agenda items and matters of community interest from electors present. For information only; clerk to note comments; no discussion between councillors and electors. No members of the public present for the meeting.
200906. To receive reports from:
- County and District Councillors.
- Any other representatives – Police, CEF etc. None received
2000907. RFO’s Report on current balances and payments
a) Current balances (to be dealt with at the meeting) as at 27 August 2020
Current account £ 12044.47
Investment account £10037.95
CIL balance £325.60
b) Payments made since last meeting
bi) G Kitchen August Salary £193.37 cheque no. 000955
bii) G Kitchen (Zoom subscription) £14.39 cheque no. 000954
c) Payments to be made at this meeting
None at time of agenda preparation.
d) Any other invoices received since agenda preparation. None at time of meeting.
e) Council resolved to accept report and payments; RFO to initial bank sheets & invoices on behalf of the Chairman.
200908. Planning
Applications received: Council to discuss and resolve comments on any applications received.
2020/0788/OUT – Outline application for erection of a detached house with detached garage to dismantled railway site all matters reserved at Dismantled Railway Site, Off Green Lane, Stutton, Tadcaster, LS24 9BW. The Chairman absented himself from the discussion which was then led by Cllr Spurrier. Cllr Spurrier clarified the exact position of the proposed development. The council discussed the application, considering the proposed materials, in keeping with the village design statement, and access to and from the property. It was resolved that the council had no observations to make other than it was hoped it would be in keeping with its surroundings, meets the village design statement and we would not see this as a precursor to development of the surrounding land.
Cllr Birchall resumed the Chair at this point.
Applications considered electronically since the last meeting:
2020/0786/MAN2 – Non material amendment of 2017/0304/HPA proposed erection of a single storey side and rear extension, two storey rear extension, following the demolition of existing stable outbuilding at Low Park, Chantry Lane, Hazlewood, Tadcaster, LS24 9NH. No objection to the change.
NY/2018/0009/FUL Extraction of 30,000 tonnes of limestone and importation of 600,000 tonnes of construction waste to complete restoration and export of 300,000 tonnes of secondary aggregate at Old London Road Quarry, Stutton, Tadcaster, LS24 9NQ. NYCC have formally required the applicants to submit an environmental impact assessment.
Cllr Spurrier reported on a breach of regulations at 17 Weedling Gate which appears to have been remedied. A MOP has reported a deterioration of the footpath due to parking which has resulted in a trip/stumble. Cllr Mackay will report this to the Highways Department.
None received at time of agenda preparation.
200909. Proposed North Yorkshire reorganisation
Cllr Birchall reported on the online presentations which he had viewed. Cllr Mackay then put forward his summary. There will be an estimated saving of £25m per year and he gave a brief overview of the York option alternative. He expressed concerns regarding regulation of local housing. The general consensus is that there are both advantages and disadvantages to the proposed changes. The council discussed these and felt that there is insufficient information at this time to make any firm resolutions.
200910. Action taken since the last meeting by the Clerk
- Underpass – action clerk to request confirmation of the receipt of the offer of payment.
- Speed limits – Action Cllr Mackay to express the concerns to Highways and stress the concerns of the council.
- Road markings – concerns regarding driving standards. Cllr Mackay has also reported the issues regarding cars parking in the passing places in Mill Lane. It was suggested that the road be marked as “narrow road with passing places”. Cllr Mackay to arrange to meet a Highways representative next week.
- Memorial Stone – Clerk needs to submit a formal request online in order to obtain a quotation.
200911. Action taken since the last meeting by Councillors
- Website (accessibility regulations). Cllr Heard is using a specific online tool to test the regulations. Action Cllr Heard to instigate.
- Telephone box – Shelving yet to be installed with delays being caused by the volunteers occupied by the installation of the new kitchen in the village hall. Cllr Catt has sorted and tidied the box.
- Parish notice board – ongoing and Cllr Spurrier to check on the progress with the volunteer.
- Bus services – a new service begins Monday 7th September. The existing 4 routes are to be replaced by one direct service from Sherburn to Wetherby with 5 buses daily. In addition during school terms, there will be another bus running between Ulleskelf and Sherburn. Suggested that the Stutton Standard run a promotional piece encouraging local residents to use the new service.
- Rural housing – on hold.
200912. Correspondence received
State of hedge at Stutton Cross – has now been dealt with. Cllr Mackay reported that Samuel Smiths Brewery had in hand the problem of overhanging branches on Stutton Road but that work could not commence until the ending of the moratorium because of nesting birds.
190913. Village Hall
Report from Cllr Heard re Village Hall matters. The committee sent an email out to all current users requesting information on requirements, which are currently minimal. Cllr Heard has been elected as chairman. He reported on the kitchen installation which is to be a slightly different layout and improvements to the electrics. The asbestos survey has been completed with no action needed.
200914. Councillors’ Forum
a}To take any urgent points of community interest and/or concern from Councillors. No decisions may be taken at this meeting on any items raised here. Clerk to make notes for future reference. Cllr Heard reported on the recent power cuts(6) and 3 hours of very low voltage experienced by the village. This has caused damage to some residents’ equipment. The supplier is aware of the outages but has stated that there has been no changes to procedure. Action clerk to write Northern Power Grid.
Clerk suggested that the Social Committee might be interested in a performance by the Hyde Park Band, and this was referred for the Social Committee’s consideration.
b) Items for the next agenda. To take any points from Councillors for inclusion on the next agenda. No additional items raised.
200915. Further comments from the public
To receive any further comments on the meeting from electors present. None present.
200916. Date, time and place of next meeting
Council to agree date, time and place of next meeting: 7.30 p.m. Thursday 8th October. Advance apologies from Cllr Heard.
200917. Closure of Part 1 of the Council meeting 20.58.
Part 2
Members of the public and press are excluded from this part of the meeting.
200918. New salary scales.
Advice has been received from NALC about revised salary scales for local government staff. It was agreed that these should be applied in the case of the clerk. Action clerk to contact Autela payroll to implement the changes.
It was further agreed that Cllr Spurrier carry out the appraisal with the clerk.
200919. Vacancy for parish councillor
Agreed to advertise on the parish council and SDC websites and to canvass opinions locally.