Minutes of Stutton cum Hazlewood Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 8th September 2016 at 19:30 in the Stutton Village Hall
Chairman: Cllr Mrs T Fawcett
Clerk: Mrs S Loaring. Molmill, Malt Kiln Terrace, Stutton, Tadcaster LS249SF
Telephone: 01937 339197. Email Clerkstuttonpc@gmail.com
Present: Cllr T Fawcett Cllrs D Birchall; C Heard; S Wrigglesworth; P Spurrier.
Clerk – S Loaring; NYCC Cllr Metcalfe; .
Apologies: Cllr D McKay
All present signed the attendance book.
Village Hall
Village Hall Report:
New Blinds – RR obtaining quotations. Cllr Metcalfe suggested a CEF grant and suggested contacting Daniel McGuire.
RR advised the floor gets very wet in winter. Cllr Metcalfe suggested a Lottery grant may be applicable. Advice is available via the CEF. RR to contact CEF.
Gardening – the maintenance of the gardens needs additional attention. Options are that Keith Tillett is approached for a quote for the additional work and that RR obtains quotes for this additional work from alternative suppliers.
Clerk to contact Keith Tillett to request additional grass cutting and obtain quotation for additional gardening work.
Macmillan coffee morning – the council discussed and agreed a rent for the charity event of l £15 as a one off fee.
RR reported black mould appearing on the ceiling. RR to contact Landlord to resolve and look at the roof.
Toilet seat – it was discussed and resolved that the toilet seats be replaced in the Village Hall toilets.
P&L circulated.
One cheque to sign.
Agenda items
Part 1
160901. Welcome
The Chairman welcomed Councillors and public to the meeting.
160902. Declarations of interest
160903. Public Forum
No public present.
160904. Apologies
Cllr McKay – SD Councillor.
Pauline Hogg – Wildflower conservation.
160905. Minutes of previous meeting
Councillors discussed and resolved to accept the 14th July minutes as an accurate record of the meeting.
The Chairman signed the accepted minutes.
160906. To receive reports from
i) Chairman – activities since the last meeting – No report.
ii) NY County Councillor – Chris Metcalfe
Update on Tadcaster bridge.
1. Stone delivered
2. Planning application to widen bridge pending. Cllr Metcalfe urged Stutton PC councillors to write in to support the planning application citing personal experiences. The application will benefit from a high level of public interest.
3. The Bridge project is on track. Early December target for completion with late December as a contingency.
Update on Car parking
Car parking charges in Tadcaster- The aim is to standardise charges across the District. SDC has launched a Consultation until January 2017. CEF forum meeting in November to go through this in more detail.
iii) SD Councillor – Don Mackay – No report.
iv) Any other representatives – Police, CEF etc – No report.
v) Progress reports – to give updates on ongoing projects.
Cllr DB gave an update on Buses. The 492 has been seen following a better route for Stutton. No formal notification of change of route has been received.
Cllr SW gave a report on Underpass
1. The current housing for the lights has burnt out and a quotation obtained to address the issue.
2. The council discussed and resolved to accept the quotation for £436 + VAT to replace current lights down the centre of the underpass.
3. As current ownership of the Underpass is in dispute the Council resolved to tell Highways England that The Council will undertake the work and to bill Highways England for works completed.
4. Reports received that motorbikes and horses are using the path. Council resolved to ask Gary Lumb if the kissing gates at each end of the underpass can be reinstated.
5. Dog poo bin by the underpass needs to be chased up. The litter bin to be reinstated.
6. Council resolved to request information from Clerk at Tadcaster Town Council re good supplier of bins and once re instated notify SDC.
160907. RFO’s report on current balances and payments
a) Current balances
The Current Account statement balance £16,325.60.
£2092.86 (Business Account).
b)Payments made – none.
c)Payments made at this meeting
Clerk’s salary.
£229.32 (July) Cheque No 000786.
£229.32(August) Cheque No 000787.
Internal Audit fees £103.60 Cheque No 000788.
Reissued cheque for More Medical Cheque No 000785.
d)Other invoices received since agenda preparation – none.
e) Payments received since the last meeting – none.
f) Visit to bank with Cllr Fawcett and Clerk to be confirmed. To address frequency of statements, address and look into Internet Banking for the Parish Council.
160908. Planning
Applications received:
2016/0968/HPA – 4 Mill Lane – No objections.
2016/1031/HPA – Applegarth Church Lane – No objections.
Council requested that specifc planning applications be put on the Agenda and not just on the minutes.
Decisions received: Hawthorn Croft – passed.
Update on planning issues: There were no updates on planning.
160909. Flag pole
Ongoing – will be put up when Cllr SW can allocate time.
160910. Bulb planting
Sunday 2 October To include a social aspect – meeting at Village Hall or St Aidan’s at 10.00a.m.
160911. Speedwatch
NY Police are rolling this out in stages.
There is a requirement for six residents to form a group; Speedwatch needs three to conduct a check.
Cllr DB to continue to update the Council.
160912. Defibrillator
The Defibrillator has arrived
Stutton resident Nicola Hall and her colleagues from the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust will deliver a session to anyone who wishes to attend on use of the defibrillator and CPR at the Village Hall on Saturday 8 October between 10.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.
Council resolved to get the box installed and supply a trickle supply to maintain the unit.
Cllr SW offered to help get the required outdoor electricity supply to enable the unit to be fixed to the wall.
The Council discussed and agreed to place an article in the Stutton Standard in October ahead of date for training.
The Council discussed and agreed to place signage to alert residents as to where the Defibrillator is situated.
160913 Website update
Cllr CH nothing to update. Still waiting for a meeting with IT contact on ways to improve the website via CMS.
160714 Speeding on Garnet Lane
Verges have been cut to help visibility but hedges are still very overgrown. Council discussed and resolved for Cllr SW to speak to relevant land owners to get hedges cut to improve visibility.
Cllr Metcalfe to speak to Gary Lumb to get pedestrian access put in.
160915 Grass cutting on verges where rare wild flowers are found
Verges are still being cut. Council to investigate who is cutting verges despite notices – Cllr SW to speak to Quarry.
Council discussed how to encourage verges to be left and not cut. Cllr Metcalfe suggested informal signage.
Council awaits update from Pauline Hogg (Wildflower Conservation) on progress.
160916 Document Review
Councillors have been very diligent. Review at next meeting.
160917 Correspondence received
1. Update on wild flowers on verges near Garnet Lane.
2. Culvert at the bottom of Fanny Lane from Mr Thomspon.
3. Various Training from YLCA.
4. Selby District car parks.
160918. Action taken since the last meeting under the clerk’s delegated powers
1. Underpass – Clerk written to Highways England and NYCC to establish ownership and responsibility.
2. Paving slabs quotation – Keith Tillett obtained quotations.
3. Keith Tillettvand grass cutting – awaiting contact with Keith re invoices and grass cutting requirements.
4. Fly tipping – Clerk wrote to Towton Parish Council to request signage for Passing Places on Mill Lane.
160919. October a) Councillors’ Forum
No additional items raised.
b) Items for the next agenda
Poo bins
Grass cutting
Underpass lighting
Fly tipping on Mill Lane – update
Document Review
160920. To receive any further comments on the meeting from electors present
None present.
160921 Date, time and place of next meeting
Council agreed 13th October at 7.30PM for the next meeting.
160922. Closure of the council meeting
The meeting closed at 21.30.
Part 2
Signed……………………………………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………………….
Action points from the meeting
Clerk to attend the bank with Cllr Fawcett
Cllr SW – Report back on
underpass lighting
Dog fouling
Flag pole progress
Cllr CH – provide an update on website
Clerk – Contact Parnaby’s in Ulleskelf re quote for benches
Clerk – obtain quote for dog poo bin